Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen leinir@identi.ca
Student of Game and Engine Programming and part of the Amarok dev squad
Free Software Foundation Europe UK Team fsfeuk@identi.ca
Manchester, United Kingdom
UK Team representing FSFE: an NGO/NPO working for critical freedoms to use, study, share and improve software
Gustavo Brondani Schenkel gbschenkel@identi.ca
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Geek fan of !Slackware !Linux, !Qt
Gerard Braad gbraad@identi.ca
Remote (global), Beijing (北京), Amsterdam
[ Doing Open Source Matters | Director of Engineering @UnitedStack | former #ThoughtWorker | #FOSS & IT Consultant | #FullStack #DevOps #Mobile #Web ]
Hanna Skott hskott@identi.ca
Linköping, Sweden
Well gosh, if you don't know me don't bother reading stuff I write...
Boudewijn Rempt boudewijnrempt@identi.ca
C++, Qt, KDE, Calligra Suite, Krita. Sculpture. CTO of KO GmbH, the Open Document company.
Inge Wallin ingwa@identi.ca
Linköping, Sweden
Father of 2 kids, KDE developer, Calligra Suite developer and marketing coordinator, 1 kyu in aikido
Alex Fiestas afiestas@identi.ca
Barcelona, Spain
Catalan free software hacker involved in KDE, currently working on BlueSystems
Stuart Jarvis swjarvis@identi.ca
Southampton, United Kingdom
Scientist and member of the KDE promotion team
Shantanu Tushar shantanutushar@identi.ca
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér mjjzf@identi.ca
Odense, South Denmark, Denmark
Free software and culture-loving OfficeGeek, linguist, teacher, husband, father, fencer, writer, reader, eater and drinker.
Kolab Systems AG kolabsys@identi.ca
Zurich, Switzerland
Kolab Systems AG - home of the Kolab Groupware Solution.