Lars Wirzenius

Lars Wirzenius at

Made a new wallet for myself, out of duct tape and copper mesh.

It's not paranoia if you've just watched Citizenfour.

Douglas Perkins, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Christopher Allan Webber, SombreKnave and 4 others likes this.

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) shared this.

You wrapped the copper mesh with the duct tape? (if so, I've got what I want for my birthday from my $relative who makes duct tape wallets). And I'm assuming that a closed wallet then becomes a Faraday cage?

David "Judah's Shadow" Blue at 2015-04-13T02:15:08Z

Yes, copper mesh wrapped in duct tape so that it forms a Faraday cage, more or less. Obviously  it's not perfect, but it stops my phone's NFC reader from reading my travel card, at least.

Lars Wirzenius at 2015-04-13T06:05:10Z no such thing as too paranoid anymore. We know various 'they's are indeed out to get us (or at least all our data). Good for you I say. More people should be so awake.

Freemor at 2015-06-04T13:37:05Z