LonelyBob lonelybob@identi.ca

Banchō, Japan

Living in Japan since 2004, Originally from the US. Enjoying Leo's work since the TechTV days. Nokia Japan graduate.


  • ana b binarylife@identi.ca

    London, United Kingdom

    owner of a cat called Guinness. Producer, writer, film buff (apparently)

  • Rahsheen Porter rahsheen@identi.ca

    Geek. Musician. Tech, New/Social Media, GTD Blogger, Coder, Ghettointellectualentarian

  • Jonathan Carter highvoltage@identi.ca

    Montreal, Canada

    I know you, you know me, one thing I can tell you is you got to be free

  • Evan Prodromou evan@identi.ca

    Montreal, Canada

    Montreal hacker and entrepreneur. Founder of identi.ca, lead developer of pump.io, CEO of E14N Inc.

  • Eric Dorland zedinosaur@identi.ca

    Debian Developer and Slave to the Google.

  • Carol Chen cybette@identi.ca

    Tampere, Finland

    Community Development Manager at Red Hat, F/OSS lover, gadget geek, world traveler, pianist, TASO.fi timpanist, Devaamo cofounder, previously: Jolla, Nokia, Taiwan, Singapore, Texas.

  • Miro themirofolks@identi.ca

    We Make Miro.