lycan_s lycan@identi.ca
2017-05-07T09:40:01Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-06-27T00:06:44+00:00 via web To: Public
Que rom me recomiendan para un Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S5830?2013-05-10T14:10:22+00:00 To: Public
A ponerse las alpargatas, que lo que viene es joropo! Hoy @cnsl9 en San Fernando de Apure! Software Libre y más xD cc @octaviotronOctavio Rossell shared by lycan_s at 2013-03-29T03:46:55+00:00 To: Public
Nuevo artículo:: Si Chávez hubiese sido desarrollador de GNU/Linux http://ur1.ca/d7cdkDj_Dexter, Dj_Dexter, lycan_s, lycan_s and 2 others shared this.
Octavio Rossell shared by lycan_s at 2013-03-29T03:46:55+00:00 via web To: Public
Nuevo artículo:: Si Chávez hubiese sido desarrollador de GNU/Linux http://ur1.ca/d7cdkDj_Dexter, Dj_Dexter, lycan_s, lycan_s and 2 others shared this.
MCTI shared by lycan_s at 2013-01-10T13:33:05+00:00 To: Public
Comunidad de Software, Hardware y Cultura Libre manifiesta su apoyo al presidente Chávez http://bit.ly/UKuFSr #mcti #ticveMCTI shared by lycan_s at 2013-01-10T13:33:05+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Comunidad de Software, Hardware y Cultura Libre manifiesta su apoyo al presidente Chávez http://bit.ly/UKuFSr #mcti #ticveJuan Vargas shared by lycan_s at 2013-01-02T11:50:49+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Vendo un huawei UM840 rooteado con Android 2.3 buen estado, en 800Bs dale RT Bueno, Bonito y Barato.Juan Vargas shared by lycan_s at 2013-01-02T11:50:49+00:00 To: Public
Vendo un huawei UM840 rooteado con Android 2.3 buen estado, en 800Bs dale RT Bueno, Bonito y Barato.Juan Vargas shared by lycan_s at 2012-12-30T02:43:34+00:00 To: Public
http://ur1.ca/ccg8z "Software Libre - No te quedes con la duda" por @eugeniabahitJuan Vargas shared by lycan_s at 2012-12-30T02:43:34+00:00 via mustard To: Public
http://ur1.ca/ccg8z "Software Libre - No te quedes con la duda" por @eugeniabahitjohan shared by lycan_s at 2012-12-20T21:29:05+00:00 To: Public
la furia de rms http://ur1.ca/c6ajvjohan shared by lycan_s at 2012-12-20T21:29:05+00:00 via web To: Public
la furia de rms http://ur1.ca/c6ajvel3ctron shared by lycan_s at 2012-12-20T21:22:09+00:00 via web To: Public
el fín del mundo es patrocinado por: CocaCola, McDonals, Monsanto, CNN, Microsoft, Mobil, Times, TheWashingtonPost y RCN.Juan Vargas, Juan Vargas, °\•/°, °\•/° and 8 others shared this.
el3ctron shared by lycan_s at 2012-12-20T21:22:09+00:00 To: Public
el fín del mundo es patrocinado por: CocaCola, McDonals, Monsanto, CNN, Microsoft, Mobil, Times, TheWashingtonPost y RCN.Juan Vargas, Juan Vargas, °\•/°, °\•/° and 8 others shared this.
Josué Ortega shared by lycan_s at 2012-09-28T01:22:33+00:00 To: Public
ushcompu, Mauricio Mejia, Jeremiah Stoddard likes this.
JuanPi Carbajal, JuanPi Carbajal, Emmanuel Ninos, Emmanuel Ninos and 10 others shared this.
♻ @noahfecks: Hoy se cumplen 29 años del Proyecto GNU :) http://ur1.ca/afhw8 #gnu gnu.orgOmar Vega Ramos at 2012-09-28T05:17:45+00:00
Mauricio Mejia likes this.
Josué Ortega shared by lycan_s at 2012-09-28T01:22:33+00:00 via web To: Public
ushcompu, Mauricio Mejia, Jeremiah Stoddard likes this.
JuanPi Carbajal, JuanPi Carbajal, Emmanuel Ninos, Emmanuel Ninos and 10 others shared this.
♻ @noahfecks: Hoy se cumplen 29 años del Proyecto GNU :) http://ur1.ca/afhw8 #gnu gnu.orgOmar Vega Ramos at 2012-09-28T05:17:45+00:00
Mauricio Mejia likes this.
2012-07-19T00:02:10+00:00 To: Fundación Casa del Bosque, Public
Los invito a que se conecten a radiognu.org y sintonicen #Conectad2s programa de la @fcbosque apoyando la difusión de software libre xDSonia Liliana Cruz, Sonia Liliana Cruz shared this.