°\•/° vlax@identi.ca
Alcatraz, Saturn
No publico aquí. Buscame en diaspora: https://diasp.org/u/vlax | I'm not posting here anymore. Go to my diaspora timeline https://diasp.org/u/vlax
2013-07-10T18:09:51+00:00 via heybuddy To: Public
Pegar subtítulos SRT a un video con mencoder; con caracteres UTF8 http://is.gd/C2GsYK2013-07-10T18:06:15+00:00 via heybuddy To: Public
youtube-dl [URL-del-video] --write-srt -> descarga video y su archivo de subtitulos SRT http://is.gd/8FcmJiRiveraValdez, Carlos Solís likes this.
RiveraValdez, soloojos shared this.
Jose R Rodriguez shared by °\•/° at 2013-07-07T22:31:55+00:00 via api To: Public
♺ @AJEnglish Op: Death by 'security': #Israel's services in 'Latin'Am http://aje.me/16Y5b5E #PRI brings #Zionists to #Chiapas, !Mexico #EZLN°\•/° shared this.
2013-07-05T17:28:27+00:00 via Brdcst it To: Public
♺Rebelión» El avance de una videovigilancia y el análisis biométrico sin garantías ciudadanas-http://b1t.it/dwtE2013-07-05T17:18:33+00:00 via Brdcst it To: Public
♺Rebelión» Tres relatos sobre la precarización del trabajo en el capitalismo de la información-http://b1t.it/dwtz2013-07-05T04:35:47+00:00 via heybuddy To: México, The Dyne Foundation, Public
Jose R Rodriguez shared this.
Jose R Rodriguez shared by °\•/° at 2013-07-04T04:28:15+00:00 via api To: Public
♺ @teleSURtv @FreddyteleSUR Canciller de #Bolivia repudió nota de extradición de Edward #Snowden enviada por Departamento de Estado de #EEUU°\•/° shared this.
X11R5 shared by °\•/° at 2013-07-03T19:08:59+00:00 via api To: Public
Ora pues, wacha la cucaracha°\•/° likes this.
°\•/° shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by °\•/° at 2013-07-03T17:19:50+00:00 via api To: Public
English translation of Bolivian government statement over Pres Morales "#Snowden" jet blockade - http://bit.ly/13lNEao (v @wikileaks)°\•/° shared this.
2013-07-03T03:59:44+00:00 via heybuddy To: The Dyne Foundation, Public
#snowden A "sabotage and a plot by the gov. of the USA" against Bolivia's president, who was forced to land in Austria. is.gd/OMtFL3 !y02013-07-03T02:43:02+00:00 via heybuddy To: a(n) group, Public
500 años después de la invasión europea, la decadencia imperial secuestra al primer presidente indígena de AméricaLatina is.gd/SRr3AX !latJose R Rodriguez shared this.
Jose R Rodriguez shared by °\•/° at 2013-07-03T01:46:33+00:00 via api To: Public
X11R5 shared by °\•/° at 2013-06-30T18:40:06+00:00 via api To: Public
Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
°\•/°, Stephen Michael Kellat shared this.
@x11r5 That contradiction is a contradiction. #metatautologyJosé María Serralde shared by °\•/° at 2013-06-30T03:49:07+00:00 via api To: Public
¿Mapas? Sí, pero mejor de mano del artista... http://2tu.us/6rmp°\•/° shared this.
2013-06-28T17:33:22+00:00 via Brdcst it To: Public
♺Rebelión» Venezuela está dispuesta a brindar protección humanitaria a Snowden-http://b1t.it/duCh2013-06-28T17:23:23+00:00 via Brdcst it To: Public
♺Rebelión» Edward Snowden y las clases de respeto de Washington-http://b1t.it/duCb2013-06-28T17:13:22+00:00 via Brdcst it To: Public
♺Rebelión» Licitación pública y software libre-http://b1t.it/duB4Jose R Rodriguez shared by °\•/° at 2013-06-26T22:36:13+00:00 via api To: Public
"need to…make it clear…fighting to stop #slavery, child #rape… sex #trafficking isn't about fighting human sexuality" http://t.co/UqL2DlzG2o°\•/° shared this.
Jose R Rodriguez shared by °\•/° at 2013-06-26T22:31:39+00:00 via api To: Public
"why should we trust #Facebook #Google…self-policing when we don't trust #RomanCatholic bishops 2 police themselves?" http://t.co/UqL2DlzG2oSean Tilley likes this.
°\•/° shared this.
Tyng-Ruey Chuang shared by °\•/° at 2013-06-26T01:43:54+00:00 via api To: Public
http://wired.co.uk/news/archive/2013-06/10/tim-wu-google-boycott "When you have enormous concentrations of data … spying becomes very easy."Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
James Robertson, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, °\•/° shared this.
@trc Nowadays, a spy is no longer a field agent, like James Bond. But just a data miner. 8-)