Carlos Augusto ARES arescorpio@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
Microelectronics,Robotics,Free Software and Open Source OS
Jovy Ann Cadion Bastasa jovy@identi.ca
Nasonogan, Philippines
I'm interested in current events, history and facts.
H Christer Eriksson dkhc3@identi.ca
Oslo, Norway
Swedish Web Developer living in Oslo, Norway. Using and promoting Free Software.
Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung akvorrat@identi.ca
Bundesweiter Zusammenschluss der sich gegen ausufernde Überwachung u. besonders gegen die Vollprotokollierung der Telekommunikation einsetz
Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.
The Pirate Nation thepiratenation@identi.ca
The Pirate Nation is the home of Pirates - the state of the stateless - and the joy of the world.