2012-05-04T16:10:07+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
Australian gov wants extra time to consult with US/Sweden before it releases docs on #Assange. http://t.co/xiTVLTgy #auspol #svpolMussot valéry likes this.
2012-04-20T00:55:58+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
Assange underfire as US power groups show their thin skin | RT http://t.co/hnOqMx2D2012-04-20T00:50:55+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
Common misperceptions about the Assange case http://t.co/GX2wOQiI more: http://t.co/RbXKA7Wm #svpol #auspol2012-04-20T00:46:08+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
500 DAYS WITHOUT CHARGE: As of TODAY Julian Assange has now been detained for *500* days without charge http://t.co/RbXKA7Wm #auspol #svpol2012-04-20T00:41:39+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
500 DAYS WITHOUT CHARGE: As of TODAY Julian Assange has now been detained for *500* days without charge http://t.co/RbXKA7Wm2012-04-20T00:31:22+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
Australia: Assange supports to picket AG Nicola Roxon http://t.co/sUDo4L5q #auspol2012-04-20T02:56:11+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
If journalists and human rights lawyers are being treated like this, imagine what is happening to activists http://t.co/KPTZN4YY #auspol 3sv2012-04-20T02:50:36+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
RT @NakedKoala: @JuliaGillard @SenatorLudlam A win for common sense Hollywood loses final appeal in piracy case http://t.co/kmI7MX5T2012-04-20T02:45:51+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
'Histeria colectiva' en los medios de EEUU, tras el debut de Assange en programa de TV http://t.co/JkwqcaCq ·2012-04-20T02:41:08+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
Australia: Why AG Nicola Roxon must apologise today http://t.co/gMJyHsIO #auspol2012-04-20T02:31:15+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
RT @WLLegal: FBI seizes Riseup server full of emails from academics, artists, historians, and free speech groups http://t.co/KWEsj5x7shame on USSA! ♻ @wikileaks2: RT @WLLegal: FBI seizes Riseup server full of emails from ... free speech groups http://t.co/KWEsj5x72012-04-20T01:15:49+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
As of TODAY Julian Assange has now been detained for *500 DAYS WITHOUT CHARGE* You can help: http://t.co/RbXKA7WmFábio Roberto Teodoro, Fábio Roberto Teodoro shared this.
2012-04-20T01:11:39+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
RT @AnonyOps: Assange's lawyer speaks about being held up at Heathrow and not being allowed to go home to Australia. http://t.co/GIdwwkP ...2012-04-20T01:06:15+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
RT @karwalski: Sydney: Join furious lawyers & WikiLeaks supporters lunchtime Drlg Hrbr Conv Cntr to question Roxon on Assange & Robinson ...2012-04-20T01:01:12+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
RT @LawyersWeekly: Lawyers should be able to act without fear http://t.co/wg9IL11Q @AustLawAlliance #Assange #humanrights2012-04-19T00:55:59+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
RT @stopwarsyd: “Julian has got truth on his side which is more than u can say for Nicola Roxon”, @AssangeC http://t.co/1s1cnW2e #RoxonO ...2012-04-19T22:26:13+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
Assange lawyer airport fracas opens can of worms | Australian http://t.co/IXOF4ijE #auspol2012-04-19T22:10:31+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
Greenwald interviewed about Assange interviewing Hezbollah | RT http://t.co/tc8d9AMT2012-04-19T22:06:09+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
RT @JLLLOW: Roxon to face grilling on Assange lawyer - BigPond News http://t.co/o5d2NNKL2012-04-19T22:00:57+00:00 in Everywhere Branch, Missouri, United States via bti To: Public
Commonwealth Lawyers Association Regarding Assange Lawyer Jennifer Robinson's Interception http://t.co/r9ewxNPd #WikiLeaks #Assange #auspol