Francesca Ciceri


Francesca Ciceri at

From #debian-publicity IRC chan, discussing about publish or not a blogpost, someone asked if we should take silence as consent and...

16:08 < Cnote> Silence is just that awkward pause before you do something awesome.

(quoted with permission)

This is another reason why I love contributing to #Debian: awesome people! It made my day! :)

cmhobbs likes this.

tvincent, tvincent, tvincent shared this.

Every time I see something like this I want to get involved with the Debian community. It seems like a wonderful group of people.

cmhobbs at 2014-09-19T15:24:57Z

Francesca Ciceri likes this.

>> cmhobbs:

“Every time I see something like this I want to get involved with the Debian community. It seems like a wonderful group of people.”

Do it! We do have cookies, and some of them may be swirl shaped, thanks to @valhalla 3d printed swirl cookiecutter!

Take a look here if you don't know where to start:

Francesca Ciceri at 2014-09-20T11:59:20Z