Max Jonas Werner makkes@identi.ca
Hamburg, Germany
software developer, free software advocate, web junkie, web platform fan
Command Line Magic climagic@identi.ca
Cool Unix/Linux Command Line tricks you can use in 140 characters or less.
Glyn Moody glynmoody@identi.ca
City of Westminster, United Kingdom
writer (Rebel Code), journalist, blogger, mostly GNU/Linux, open source, open content; the commons, copyright, patents and digital rights
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) w3c@identi.ca
The World Wide Web Consortium develops interoperable technologies (specs, guidelines, software, tools) to lead the Web to its full potential
Edd Dumbill edd@identi.ca
Fresno Crossing, United States
I write words, code & make conferences. Strata & OSCON chair at O'Reilly, analyst for O'Reilly Radar. Open source, standards & data.
The Linux Foundation linuxfoundation@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux.