GNU MediaGoblin at 2012-11-09T16:25:38+00:00
Today is the LAST DAY of the !GNU !MediaGoblin campaign! Let's get as close as we can to the goal! Donate now! http://ur1.ca/aijvpmathieui, a(n) person, Mark Holmquist, Marcio B. Jr. and 1 others likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez, mathieui, mathieui and 26 others shared this.
If you've been putting it off, please donate now! And please help spread the word! Every bit makes a huge difference!@mediagoblin Who's going to one-up me? I just donated $100 to !GNU !MediaGoblin for decentralizing media online! http://ur1.ca/aijvpDeb Nicholson, GNU MediaGoblin, Cyber Killer, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Jérémie Zimmermann at 2011-01-20T12:34:43+00:00
GRAND JEU : Diversité Culturelle - 99.9% des œuvres ne sont pas traquées par #HADOPI. Sauras-tu les partager? #paspeur #Partagemathieui likes this.
Vincent-Xavier JUMEL, Vincent-Xavier JUMEL, gnuzer, gnuzer and 5 others shared this.
®om at 2010-02-10T23:53:33+00:00
#loppsi À ce rhythme là, il va falloir un brunelotron et un myardotron - http://is.gd/87lukmathieui likes this.
@rom1v mais ils font tellement rire, en même temps… (et peur à la fois)Jérémie Zimmermann at 2010-01-15T18:58:10+00:00
http://ur1.ca/jwvq <3 Wikipedia panoramic landscapesmathieui likes this.
@jzim Misses a 360° view of π :-PJérémie Zimmermann at 2009-10-11T20:18:49+00:00
Espérons qu'avec tout ce buzz, Jean Sarkozy n'en vienne pas à se dire "j'EPAD bol !" :/ #jeansarkozypartout #nepotisme #92mathieui likes this.
Jérémie Zimmermann at 2009-09-27T10:53:18+00:00
#eucitizens, if you *really* <3 #internet, you have to say it! sign http://www.euopeninternet.eu/open-internet/ #neutralitymathieui likes this.