Miguel Rentes miguelrentes@identi.ca
Porto, Portugal
Software Engineer that likes very much FOSS, programming, Emacs, reading and sketching.
Pete Daniels shared by Miguel Rentes at 2012-09-03T20:36:04+00:00 via web To: Public
Saul Uribe, Saul Uribe, Miguel Rentes, Miguel Rentes and 1 others shared this.
Pete Daniels shared by Miguel Rentes at 2012-09-03T20:36:04+00:00 To: Public
Saul Uribe, Saul Uribe, Miguel Rentes, Miguel Rentes and 1 others shared this.
ovigia shared by Miguel Rentes at 2012-08-30T15:45:08+00:00 To: Public
Miguel Rentes, Miguel Rentes shared this.
ovigia shared by Miguel Rentes at 2012-08-30T15:45:08+00:00 via web To: Public
Miguel Rentes, Miguel Rentes shared this.
iloveubuntu.net shared by Miguel Rentes at 2012-08-29T12:16:15+00:00 To: Public
!Ubuntu 12.10's wallpapers shortlisted http://ur1.ca/a1xejApplet likes this.
Miguel Rentes, Miguel Rentes shared this.
iloveubuntu.net shared by Miguel Rentes at 2012-08-29T12:16:15+00:00 via web To: Public
!Ubuntu 12.10's wallpapers shortlisted http://ur1.ca/a1xejApplet likes this.
Miguel Rentes, Miguel Rentes shared this.
2012-08-27T10:50:09+00:00 in Maia, Distrito do Porto, Portugal To: Public
urukrama !openbox guide http://ur1.ca/2mpei2012-08-27T10:18:37+00:00 in Maia, Distrito do Porto, Portugal To: Debian, Public
Happy with !debian testing and !openbox :)2012-07-12T08:06:02+00:00 in Maia, Distrito do Porto, Portugal To: Public
Completely fan of the new xkcd page http://what-if.xkcd.com/2012-02-02T11:42:40+00:00 in Maia, Distrito do Porto, Portugal To: Public
It's nice to look into System Monitor and see 8 cpus and 7.8 GiB RAM :) #debianvoted for "Yes"
2012-01-27T18:26:48+00:00 To: Ivan Čukić, Public
2012-01-27T18:23:24+00:00 in Porto, Portugal To: Debian, Public
Ahhhh the pleasures of installing !Debian on my newest work machine. 8GB RAM, 2 500GB disks, core i7 2600 and NVIDIA with 4 HDMI outputs :)Laura likes this.
@miguelrentes are you willing to populate the 4 HDMI outputs with 4 HDMI monitors/TV's?@miguelrentes nice hardware@miguelrentes Whoa, nice setup! :)2012-01-16T11:47:42+00:00 in Maia, Distrito do Porto, Portugal To: Public
Debussy. Claire de Lune. Beautiful. This is what I call music.2012-01-13T18:22:00+00:00 in Maia, Distrito do Porto, Portugal To: Public
TIL the word "meh" is very powerful... use it with caution!2012-01-12T12:10:44+00:00 in Porto, Portugal To: Public
NATO Watch Straps http://ur1.ca/7g0bu2012-01-12T09:27:58+00:00 in Maia, Distrito do Porto, Portugal To: Public
!Org-mode Color Theme Screenshots http://ur1.ca/7fwcg Nice!2012-01-12T13:58:15+00:00 in Mandim, Distrito do Porto, Portugal To: Public
http://ur1.ca/7g2s9 Nice!2012-01-11T15:26:05+00:00 in Maia, Distrito do Porto, Portugal To: Public
Aahhhh the smell of a freshly updated debian testing :D2012-01-03T09:04:36+00:00 in Porto, Portugal To: Public
Richard Stallman was right all along http://ur1.ca/76fyc2011-12-26T11:37:55+00:00 in Porto, Portugal To: Public
So true :D http://ur1.ca/6zbm1