Michael V. Antosha mivael@identi.ca
Kyiv, Ukraine
I want to enjoy both process and results of things I do in my life. To be happy and to be useful for people -- that's the plan.
2013-04-29T10:15:09+00:00 To: Public
2013-03-25T15:45:22+00:00 To: Public
2013-03-19T17:34:32+00:00 To: Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public
Fight with us against the Internet's latest threat, #CISPA. Let's stop this terrible bill. https://eff.org/r.2bJf via @EFF #CISPAalert2013-03-18T16:17:06+00:00 To: Public
A good way to get power: helping others --> gaining trust --> gaining influence http://ur1.ca/d3mof #philosophy #kindness #helping_others2013-03-14T13:05:03+00:00 To: Public
2012-12-07T18:43:20+00:00 To: quotes, Public
#rus !q Полезное назначение большинства [товаров] состоит в убийстве свободного времени без повышения уровня развития. http://ur1.ca/bwh3kvoted for "Debian (or Debian based)"
2012-11-29T07:16:44+00:00 To: rsiddharth, GNU's Not Unix, Public
2012-11-29T07:12:02+00:00 To: quotes, Public
!q The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom http://ur1.ca/bkrfu #Asimov2012-11-01T08:06:59+00:00 To: Public
Discovered "search engine keyword" thing in #firefox. Nice. Lacks multiple keywords feature but useful anyway http://ur1.ca/aqw5r #mozilla2012-08-30T08:59:38+00:00 To: pussy riot, Public
#rus Два года тюрьмы за ненасильственное сопротивление режиму? Вот вам и "демократия", и права человека... http://bit.ly/OkFhiu !PussyRiot2012-08-28T06:48:48+00:00 To: Public
2011-11-25T19:30:53+00:00 To: Public
Published my resume: http://ur1.ca/62nr9 #site (Feedback and job offers are welcome:)2011-11-04T11:38:20+00:00 To: Identi.ca Support, Public
Posted ("Save"d?) a poll today, and now can not find it anywhere. Could you help, please? @support2011-11-04T10:21:25+00:00 To: Public
Where to read about #lists at !identica? What are they and how they work? http://ur1.ca/5mqnx And how they appear? :)@mivael you can start at http://status.net/wiki/Tags and http://status.net/wiki/People_tags #peopletags #lists. !SN !wiki needs editors ...2011-11-04T09:18:41+00:00 To: quotes, Public
#rus !q Труды авторов должны вознаграждаться [...]. Но всё же монополия — это зло. (Thomas Macaulay) http://ur1.ca/5mpv1 #copyright2011-11-04T08:24:03+00:00 To: quotes, Public
#rus !q Если завтра вы попадёте под гребёнку цензуры, то не будете иметь [...] права её оспорить. http://ur1.ca/5moy3 #censorship #eu #pp_ua!q A civilization is judged not by its efficiency of law and order, but by the rights it gives to its worst enemies to defend themselves...cypherpunk shared by Michael V. Antosha at 2011-11-03T01:18:53+00:00 via web To: Public
@evan - What about the lost dents of last week? Will it be possible to recover them?Michael V. Antosha likes this.
Michael V. Antosha, Michael V. Antosha shared this.
Yes, it will be possible. Not a priority right now; lots of other things going on. They'll be recovered, though.Evan Prodromou at 2011-11-10T22:01:55+00:00
ostfriesenmärz likes this.
OK, thanks on this - it's nice to hear, they will be recovered... some time in the future - when there are ressources for this... :)cypherpunk at 2011-11-10T22:06:31+00:00
Evan Prodromou likes this.
cypherpunk shared by Michael V. Antosha at 2011-11-03T01:18:53+00:00 To: Public
@evan - What about the lost dents of last week? Will it be possible to recover them?Michael V. Antosha likes this.
Michael V. Antosha, Michael V. Antosha shared this.
Yes, it will be possible. Not a priority right now; lots of other things going on. They'll be recovered, though.Evan Prodromou at 2011-11-10T22:01:55+00:00
ostfriesenmärz likes this.
OK, thanks on this - it's nice to hear, they will be recovered... some time in the future - when there are ressources for this... :)cypherpunk at 2011-11-10T22:06:31+00:00
Evan Prodromou likes this.
voted for "No"
2011-11-03T01:15:21+00:00 To: Evan Prodromou, Public
2011-11-03T01:13:26+00:00 To: Identi.ca Support, Identi.ca, Public
Kent Fredric, Kent Fredric shared this.