Mike Linksvayer

Mike Linksvayer at


word doc in git repo, hook causes each version converted to markdown and committed to another branch so that git (specifically github in this case) diff tools can be used to see what changed, track who made changes.

kind of baroque but an improvement I guess. presumably wouldn't be difficult to do the same for odt files and with faif git tools. (There is a f[lat]odt format, IIUC one big xml file rather than a zip of a bunch of xml files and other resources that would be somewhat more amenable to using a normal version control system with, but not clear to me this is done by people other than those tinkering with such an idea._

but really great would be git tools that know how to diff odt sensibly without conversion to near plain text, and also odt authoring tools that are real version control aware.

meanwhile gdocs is taking over, and its versioning tools are horrid. i guess this evident lack of priority given to such tools, given Google has ample resources to improve them should there be any advantage in terms of acquiring customers to doing so ... sad, masses must be horribly ignorant of what they're missing, so aren't demanding. Of course same could be said wrt software freedom demand.

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