mray INACTIVE at

trying to click on the "Login" button in's web interface seems broken for me right now.

Why use the web interface at all? - because Pumpa can't seem to post stuff after follwing a persons thread. feels unready :'(

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Ah, I would browse the "new followee"'s timeline.

I'm unsure if Pumpa has such a feature...

JanKusanagi at 2016-10-12T23:32:13Z

I could not find any such feature. nor an obvious hint that it is missing for now. a certain feature parity among clients would be really nice. or at least a good overview, like xmpp clients support certain XEPs - or not.

mray INACTIVE at 2016-10-12T23:37:16Z

Well, the only thing I can tell you is Dianara supports it.

You could also like the post you want from the web interface, and then find that post in your Favorites timeline in Pumpa, or any other client of your choice, and proceed to comment from there.

JanKusanagi at 2016-10-12T23:39:45Z

that is a nice hack. but it also requires me to first use another client :P

mray INACTIVE at 2016-10-12T23:41:00Z