Muge Cerman mugecerman@identi.ca
Istanbul, Turkey
SuperInfluencer/Trendhunter/AngelAdvisor/Consultant-IMC/Knowledge Junkie
2013-05-01T14:38:49+00:00 To: Public
Google VP Horowitz wants to paint the Eiffel Tower using Google Glass http://goo.gl/0gvW92012-07-30T04:05:21+00:00 To: Public
“Hava kurşun gibi ağır | Muge Cerman”: http://ur1.ca/9utee2012-07-06T05:45:35+00:00 in Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey To: Public
The Great Masters Sergisi Istanbul | Muge Cerman - http://ur1.ca/9qfq82012-07-06T05:45:14+00:00 in Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey To: Public
The Amazing Spider Man | Muge Cerman - http://ur1.ca/9qfq62012-05-02T07:45:55+00:00 in Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey To: Public
Çocuklarla El Ele Seminerleri http://twshot.com/5OP72012-05-02T17:21:55+00:00 in Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey To: Public
Ahmet Fazil Ayan Kalbin Sesi Tura http://twshot.com/5ORV2012-05-02T04:37:08+00:00 in Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey To: Public
Sadakat Programlari 1 #crm http://twshot.com/5OOR2012-05-01T08:38:00+00:00 in Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey To: Public
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Yeni Medya Konferansini Kacirmayin http://twshot.com/5NUA2012-04-24T03:55:46+00:00 in Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey To: Public
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