stimmten für „LibreOffice“
2012-11-04T18:02:48+00:00 via web To: identicats, Linux, LibreOffice, Public
stimmten für „Other (Please List!)“
2012-01-28T14:30:18+00:00 via web To: Lev Lazinskiy, GNU's Not Unix, Linux, Public
stimmten für „Music Player Daemon + Client (like ncmpc(pp), sonata, ario)“
2012-01-28T14:30:01+00:00 via web To: Linux, Public
2011-10-14T05:17:47+00:00 via web To: Debian, Linux, The FreeBSD Project, NetBSD users, Public
Dennis Ritchie cofounder of unix and the c programming lang is dead :o( be quit for a min !linux !debian !freebsd !netbsdI.Enys Untra likes this.
I.Enys Untra, I.Enys Untra, Alex, Alex shared this.
stimmten für „Disagree“
2011-10-10T18:23:46+00:00 via web To: Mars Zuckerbird, Linux, Public
2011-10-10T18:03:30+00:00 via web To: Piratenpartei Deutschland, Public
!piratenpartei #datenschutz "Du Bist Terrorist!" klasse Video zum Thema Bund Überwachung etc http://bit.ly/o2p4nXstimmten für „Debian GNU/Linux itself ?“
2011-10-10T17:30:55+00:00 via web To: LIzem, Debian, GNU's Not Unix, Linux, Public
2011-08-08T11:29:05+00:00 via web To: stonerrock, Public
!stonerrock to find some new reviews http://stonerobixxx.blogspot.com/2011-06-08T16:53:22+00:00 via web To: Public
@freakout die apple rechner selbst sind design stücke xD und ich hab gehört es soll tolle programme für grafik/design für mac geben.2011-05-29T10:24:40+00:00 via web To: stonerrock, Public
!stonerrock u know the german elektrohasch label? can buy CD/LP here http://www.elektrohasch.de/2011-05-29T10:20:57+00:00 via web To: The FreeBSD Project, Public
testing !freebsd 8.2 on my old IBM laptop2011-05-27T21:39:25+00:00 via web To: Public
@freakout c is smarter ;)2011-05-27T19:51:18+00:00 via web To: Debian, Linux, Public
2011-05-27T19:50:59+00:00 via web To: Public
are gnome3 and kde4.6 in debian testing?2011-05-21T12:44:17+00:00 in Hohenwestedt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany via web To: Debian, Linux, Awesome Window Manager, Public
2011-05-21T12:43:24+00:00 in Hohenwestedt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany via web To: Public
@evropi what?? i'm north german;)2011-05-20T20:50:31+00:00 in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany via web To: stonerrock, Public
2011-05-20T20:26:02+00:00 in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany via web To: Panko, Public
@panko got it "TapButton1=1" thank you@murican great! ;)@murican if you wanna "backup" it, a section of my old xorg.conf (touchpad related) http://pastebin.com/4PZfbjWj (left click & right click)2011-05-20T20:20:32+00:00 in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany via web To: Panko, Public
@panko i use this http://bit.ly/msEEtr as ref. i've got fluxbox running not gnome or kde on my thin & old laptop2011-05-20T20:00:32+00:00 in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany via web To: Debian, Linux, Public
!linux !debian does anyone know how to set up synaptics touchpad to use the tapped touchpad as a left click?@murican take a look at Configuration in bit.ly/masdwS BTW, on KDE you have kde-config-touchpad (systemsettings). I don't know how on gnome@murican synclient TapButton1=1@murican Uhm... strange... that's what it always did when I tried it... did they turn that function off now? I *hated* it dearly...@murican just run "synclient TapButton1=1" in a terminal