Murray Cumming murrayc@identi.ca
2012-04-02T07:48:25+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
Sick kid day today, again.2012-03-27T14:32:52+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
I spent the morning making scones for 50 with the kids at Liam's Kindergarten. I think he's proud of me.2012-03-23T11:18:24+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
I am eager for the day that g++ supports C++11 by default so I can use the auto keyword all over my code.2012-03-22T10:15:37+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
I now have video call capability again. Because I tidied my office.2012-02-21T10:00:58+00:00 in Isarvorstadt, Bavaria, Germany via twidroid To: Public
At home with sick kid.2012-02-10T14:09:50+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
We have booked flights, and found a home exchange, for 3 weeks in Park Slope, Brooklyn, NYC in August.2012-02-03T09:05:52+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
A BR (Bavarian TV) report on Jane Goodall's visit to the Kid's Museum in Munich, with a shot of Liam at 00:10 : http://ur1.ca/7zpem2012-02-03T08:00:50+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
-15 C on the way to work. Munich is downright Helsinki this morning.2012-01-25T09:38:06+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
My bike's (Scott Sub 10) skinny wheels are completely useless on ice. This could be a fine excuse to get some bouncy chunky thing too.2012-01-09T11:20:53+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
There is no way to tell the gettext-po.h po_file_write() function to not drop non-ASCII characters. Time to give up on that API.2011-12-06T09:58:47+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
I'm flying to Helsinki this evening. Back on Friday.2011-12-06T17:56:49+00:00 in Franzheim, Bavaria, Germany via twidroid To: Public
Take off delayed at least 4 hours by inspection after lightning strike.2011-12-05T12:30:28+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
Searching for GNOME Personas is still rather dismal.2011-11-28T09:36:08+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
"git bisect run make check" is nice.2011-11-25T12:45:02+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
I added lcov (gcov) report generation to glom. Using just bare gcov was tedious and not so nice.2011-11-22T09:01:51+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
I updated the "Programming with gtkmm" book for Kindle on Amazon: http://ur1.ca/5zq592011-11-22T14:05:32+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
I meant amazon de, before the URL shortener squashed it.2011-11-22T14:03:33+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
http://ur1.ca/5ff0h now have the Nokia N9 for regular next-day delivery instead of just for pre-order: http://ur1.ca/5zt1n2011-11-17T08:36:11+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
Blog entry: Maliit: The only real on-screen keyboard: http://ur1.ca/5vy6z2011-11-11T09:58:11+00:00 in Munich, Germany via web To: Public
Regardless of any lengthy philosophy and promises, Qt's http://ur1.ca/5qu9x fails as long as it needs login just to view.