mhogo mchungu muungwana@identi.ca
2013-07-21T22:42:06Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public
This place is "odd" is the least thing i can say about this place.2013-03-18T15:07:37+00:00 in Skytop, New York, United States via web To: Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Public
@eebrah whats your person and general public verdict on this round of elections,better than expected,worse expected or as expected?2013-03-17T16:30:40+00:00 in Skytop, New York, United States via web To: GNU's Not Unix, Linux, KDE, Free Software Foundation, GNOME, Public
2013-02-27T19:29:59+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: Moshe Njema, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Public
2013-02-01T15:18:58+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: Linux, KDE, Qt Users, Public
Pamela Petterson, Pamela Petterson shared this.
2012-12-05T11:23:09+00:00 via web To: KDE, Public
@muungwana It should be fixed by updating to the latest Qt 4.8.4 release → https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3106472012-12-04T07:17:57+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: a(n) person, Public
@linux i see on netflix "an important reminder" asking me to (re)agree to theirTOS,wonder if this is a response to linux/wine "breakthrough"2012-12-02T19:01:38+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
@kde an example of why @plasma should have a requirement for code that hang to be in different thread: http://goo.gl/F5I8y2012-09-10T12:24:03+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: Moshe Njema, Public
@nj3ma u in msumbiji? what do msumbijians think of the status of lake nyasa and malawi claims to the whole lake? ca u ask around 4 me? thnx@muungwana Not yet. AFAIK the lake is in East Africa. :-)2012-07-01T16:26:19+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: Linux, Free Software Foundation, GNOME, Qt Users, Public
like truecrypt but not its non OSI approved OSS license? try zuluCrypt,new version is out : http://tiny.cc/jtzrgw !linux !qt !gnome !fsfvoted for "others"
2012-06-07T01:27:35+00:00 via web To: Bijan, Linux, Public
2012-04-08T02:24:34+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: Linux, Public
if u use !linux and encrypt ur data using cryptsetup n want 2 click ur way through operations, then check out zuluCrypt, new version is outalphazo likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez shared this.
rpms (src only) - http://ur1.ca/8yhxsvoted for "Amarok"
2012-03-26T18:21:43+00:00 via web To: Pete Daniels, Linux, Public
2012-03-23T16:57:37+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: bigbrovar, Moshe Njema, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Public
2012-03-14T02:33:33+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: Linux, Firefox, Public
!firefox updated itself on my !linux system to version 11 a few hours ago and it is proving to be very hang happy,concerned user2012-03-13T20:24:44+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: Rajit Vikram Singh, Public
@rajitsingh there's a story at slashdot about india breaking patents to have affordable drugs.Do u think its a good/bad move or indifferent@muungwana Didn't know about this. But sounds like a good move. The poor can be really very poor and human welfare comes before everything.voted for "Amarok"
2012-01-28T17:12:44+00:00 via web To: Linux, Public
2012-01-17T21:05:18+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: KDE, Public
just attempted 2 delete a folder that nolonger exist because dolphin didnt refresh, it would b nice 2 have an option to always refresh !kde2012-01-13T07:34:21+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: bigbrovar, Public
2012-01-09T20:20:59+00:00 in Syracuse, New York, United States via web To: Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Public
@eebrah read on slashdot kenya is looking into nuclear energy. what do u and those u converse with in kenya think about it?I believe having options is a good thing but I still do not trust that we can maintain a nuclear facility safely@eebrah nuclear energy is sooo last century, most nuclear energy producers are going off it. Any discussions on going solar route?