bigbrovar bigbrovar@identi.ca
Abuja Nigeria, Nigeria
I am a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anor!
2013-06-13T15:36:28+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria via Choqok To: Public
Abiword is underatedI wouldn't have thought so, but seems #AbiWord is still being developed: v2.9.4 dev version from Nov 2012 http://ur1.ca/eb7lv2013-06-09T07:17:44+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria via Choqok To: Public
due to the crazy power situation.. I had to reduce the grace period before the UPS shutdown the servers after power fail to 6min from 15min2013-06-09T07:12:10+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria via Choqok To: Public
clean debian squeeze install (check) setup postfix MTA for outgoing email (check) configure APCUPSD .....2013-06-01T05:17:11+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria via Choqok To: Public
U doubt the turkish govt would be able to criticize the Assad Regime with a straight face now.. maybe the EU should arm the protesters tooKipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno shared this.
2013-06-01T05:15:50+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria via Choqok To: Public
On the flip side, the fact that such a task can be performed without having to buy some expensive proprietary too is always a plus2013-06-01T05:14:44+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria via Choqok To: Public
creating digital PDF forms with Libreoffice could use more usability. Took a while but finally figured it out. The documentation was useless2013-05-29T05:36:46+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
print-manager updates in KDE 4.11 - http://ur1.ca/e2zu12013-05-28T21:51:09+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
never knew u could create interactive PDF forms with !libreoffice http://is.gd/4Hnrhs2013-05-28T21:46:47+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: a(n) person, Public
since upgrading to Kubuntu 13.04 Nepumok has worked so well that I can no longer live without it. The performance issues all gone . !kdeJure Repinc (JLP), gerlos likes this.
Eric Mesa, Eric Mesa shared this.
@bigbrovar Nepomuk maintainer (@vhanda_) just read your tweet and said: "Wait and see what is comming in 4.11" :pAlex Fiestas at 2013-05-29T13:10:03+00:00
Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
2013-05-27T12:56:34+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
head deep in action mailer documentations.. trying to figure out how to get this ruby witch of an app to send email notifications2013-05-27T07:26:39+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
INSIGHT-Nigeria's war on terror wins tentative support http://is.gd/ofpOL12013-05-25T10:38:20+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
Thankgod for stackoverflow2013-05-25T10:37:46+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
It neverfails to beat me why people pure useful infomation into silos like quora.. information which aren't openly available. we never learnErkan Yılmaz, Erkan Yılmaz shared this.
@bigbrovar because they have a douchebag complex :)2013-05-25T10:05:31+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: a(n) person, Public
anyone knows if akonadi - mysql issue which prevents !KDE from being mounted on an NFS server has been fixed?2013-05-25T07:11:47+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
I don't care what managerial issues HTC is going through. If they dare release a Google edition version of the HTC One, am getting it.2013-05-25T15:00:37+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
I think libreoffice 4 should be stable enough to warrant an upgrade of staff systems #sippingtea2013-05-24T11:58:53+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
the Sahel region of west, east & central africa now have rebel forces armed with SAMs, Anti Air craft artillery2013-05-24T11:56:21+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
Thanks to EU/US sophisticated arms usually exclusive to state actors found their way to terrorist orgs. same EU/US want to do same in Syria2013-05-24T11:52:07+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
MUJAO, AQIM, Ansar Dine ..the backbone of the jihadist insurrgency in Nigeria, Mali Algeria gained prominence with the fall of Gadaffi2013-05-24T19:37:24+00:00 in Abuja, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria To: Public
has anyone played with samba 4..how ready is it for enterprise?