Nestor Diaz n3storm@identi.ca
Valladolid, Spain
from designer to programmer. free software libre.
manukleart manukleart@pumpdog.me
i am on air trying to do ecomarketing
http://www.manukleart.com ; http://www.theplanetaryclub.com ; http://www.planetary.be ; http://www.floor.cat ; Searching a professional team to develope sustainable non-profit projects baseds in Neoequality and Ecosuficience. Neoequality means there are four parts in the planet: Persons, Nature (animals, plants, enviroments), Workers and Companies, and all of them are equals. Ecosuficience means autoemployment, autogestion, autosuficience in the best ecoway as possible.
Jorge R Maidana jorger69@identi.ca
San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina
Arquitecto. Docente. Participante bloggero e interesado en política.
Isidro Fuentes Hermoso isildurfuentes@identi.ca
Believing in free culture and free software, feeling passion about good stories, animation movies, Blender. Aikidoka of the earth.