Nathan Willis

The Vizard

Nathan Willis at

I have lots and lots and lots of problems with this graph. Can you name a few?
I do find it misleading to draw those curves as fits for that data since at any given point in time the sum of all those percentages must be <= 100. It looks like than in a year or two that Chrome and Safari will have captured more than 100% of the market. I have some other observations and responses to the blog post that graph is from, but they aren't necessarily happy ones.

Charles Stanhope at 2017-05-29T15:34:59Z

>> Charles ☕ Stanhope:

“I do find it misleading to draw those curves as fits for that data since at any given point in time the sum of all those percentages must be <= 100”

Exactly, I think the same

Paco Vila at 2017-05-29T16:03:58Z