Nathan Willis


Nathan Willis at

(1) Would you listen to a podcast that was just me & another host arguing about the free-software related news of the week?

(2) Who should be the other host? Sky's the limit. [I know a lot of people in the FOSS community, but I haven't actually discussed this idea with people]

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I would listen to this, assuming there was a bit more to it than arguments. ;)   (I don't have a suggestion for co-host.)

Charles Stanhope at 2017-08-12T15:24:23Z

Ask me after September 30th. I may have quite a bit of free time on my hands if the Treasury departmental offices go ahead with the cull in my job series.

Stephen Michael Kellat at 2017-08-12T17:14:16Z

I don't usually listen to podcasts but your concept sounds interesting

McClane at 2017-08-13T21:49:50Z