Nathan Willis

Nathan Willis at

Got TLS / HTTPS running on my domains with Let's Encrypt. Feel free to check if you're unfortunate enough to read my blog at, for example. But getting Apache to serve up *only* HTTPS is a whole different level of headache. I can understand why people decide to write new web servers....

Charles Stanhope likes this.

Show all 8 replies The RequireSSL directive-family is where it stops being a straightforward solution and explodes into a combinatorics nightmare where no one else's example works.

Nathan Willis at 2017-01-13T09:22:47Z

(and yes, I agree that it should be no headache. There's a lot of things that should be easy.)

Nathan Willis at 2017-01-13T09:24:13Z

Now I'm down the rabbithole of trying to find a quality two-factor authentication plugin for WordPress....

So many freemiums ... so many version-compatibilitiy warnings ... so much duplication of effort....

Nathan Willis at 2017-01-13T10:21:10Z

>> Nathan Willis:

“[...] Now I'm down the rabbithole of trying to find a quality two-factor authentication plugin for WordPress... [...]”

Two Factor Authentication works for me.

James Dearing 🐲 at 2017-01-13T12:14:39Z

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