Nathan Willis

Nathan Willis at

In other news, I actually saw a pickup truck with a Confederate flag on it yesterday, proving that there is a first time for everything.

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To be a teensy bit clearer, this took more than 25 years of living in Texas. It concerns me because I feel like it supports my suspicion that our recent public debate on the subject has fallen into deeply-worn regional-distrust and urban-vs-rural rhetoric that has the effect of putting previously uninterested people into defensive posture. I don't think this was somebody who had that flag on it truck six months ago, and that should be worrisome.

The only other instance I recall of anybody actually owning one of those flags was some kid in the same dorm as me in college, and there was very clearly a "just cause my parents work on a farm doesn't mean I'm an idiot" guardedness about most of what that guy did. You know, based solely on what I recall from those mandatory hall-wide meetings all those years ago, which are oh-so memorable.... #reliablenarrator

Nathan Willis at 2015-07-20T22:53:17Z

Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

I generally find it freaky when I see trucks bearing such flags here...near a northern terminus of the Underground Railroad that is also fairly close to Canada...

Stephen Michael Kellat at 2015-07-21T02:23:40Z

There's one that drives around my area. There's also a house about a mile away that flies a hybrid Confederate battle / don't tread on me flag. This is California, not Mississippi. at 2015-07-21T03:03:49Z