Fernanda Weiden nandaweiden@identi.ca
Unix sysadmin, Free Software advocate, music passionate. Crazy.
2012-07-06T05:26:48+00:00 To: Public
"Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams, Telling myself it's not as hard, hard, hard as it seems."2012-03-08T18:58:11+00:00 To: Public
"How rude is that in a scale from 1 to nanda?" says Iulia2012-02-25T12:29:19+00:00 To: Public
"Voa voa aviãozinho..."2012-02-17T12:18:44+00:00 in Oberhauserriet, Zurich, Switzerland To: Machado Oliveira, C., Public
Para quem tem paciência: ~1500 fotos do casório ur1.ca/87uxb ur1.ca/87uxn ur1.ca/87uxt (c/ @machadowisck)2012-02-17T12:18:00+00:00 in Oberhauserriet, Zurich, Switzerland To: Machado Oliveira, C., Public
For those with patience: ~1500 wedding pictures ur1.ca/87uxb ur1.ca/87uxn ur1.ca/87uxt (w/ @machadowisck)2012-02-15T08:37:18+00:00 To: Public
Yay! After almost 3 weeks below zero, its 2C in Zurich now. Learning to get happy on the simple things :-)Stefano Zacchiroli shared by Fernanda Weiden at 2012-02-14T09:46:33+00:00 To: Public
why I love Free Software http://ur1.ca/85s8w #ilovefsgvdr likes this.
Fernanda Weiden, Fernanda Weiden, صهيب, صهيب and 2 others shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli shared by Fernanda Weiden at 2012-02-14T09:46:33+00:00 via web To: Public
why I love Free Software http://ur1.ca/85s8w #ilovefsgvdr likes this.
Fernanda Weiden, Fernanda Weiden, صهيب, صهيب and 2 others shared this.
2012-02-14T09:34:43+00:00 in Zürich (Kreis 4) / Werd, Switzerland To: Public
#HappyValentinesDay, #FreeSoftware community! Thank you for the great work #fsfe, this is my favorite campaign! #ilovefs #share ur1.ca/858wydrica veloso, drica veloso, Karsten Gerloff, Karsten Gerloff and 4 others shared this.
2012-02-08T00:46:02+00:00 in Zürich (Kreis 5) / Gewerbeschule, Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
One of the reasons why I miss the good old times, when internet was a nerds-only club.2012-02-08T00:43:29+00:00 in Zürich (Kreis 5) / Gewerbeschule, Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
Saudade da internet das antigas, quando ela era um clube de nerds.2012-02-08T00:40:58+00:00 in Zürich (Kreis 5) / Gewerbeschule, Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
Porque esse povo fica postando essas imagens texto no Facebook? Ninguém mais sabe escrever não? Pelo amor...estragando a internet...Machado Oliveira, C. likes this.
2012-02-08T00:39:19+00:00 in Zürich (Kreis 5) / Gewerbeschule, Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
Why the hell people insist in posting text images on Facebook? Did you all unlearn how to write yourselves?2012-02-06T09:14:08+00:00 To: Public
Minus fuckin sixteen degrees. Someone please turn on the heat in Zurich!Beatriz Busaniche shared by Fernanda Weiden at 2012-02-04T09:53:11+00:00 To: Public
"We need to make sure that ACTA is one hundred percent safe for the citizens" It's not!! Good for Poland! http://ur1.ca/7zzp4 #StopactaBeatriz Busaniche shared by Fernanda Weiden at 2012-02-04T09:53:11+00:00 via mustard To: Public
"We need to make sure that ACTA is one hundred percent safe for the citizens" It's not!! Good for Poland! http://ur1.ca/7zzp4 #Stopacta2012-02-04T09:52:00+00:00 To: Public
On my way to the hairdresser, the temperature displayed at my car thermometer: -11C.2012-02-03T11:35:36+00:00 in Zürich (Kreis 4) / Werd, Switzerland To: Public
And of course, when you get into your warm shower it is the time your pager goes off... #oncall #sysadmin@nandaweiden: There's a reason for the international #sysadmin appreciation day. I salute all the sysadmins out there! o72012-02-02T17:33:59+00:00 in Zürich (Kreis 4) / Werd, Switzerland To: Public
Preciso de um designer com experiência em criação de logomarcas. Please DM!@nandaweiden tenho um tio em Recife que é especialista no assunto. http://ur1.ca/7zcr3 site em flash, mas funciona no gnash@nandaweiden bônus pra você se conseguir avançar na conversão dele pra GNU/Linux ;-)olá fernanda, visite http://ur1.ca/7zetr e nós diga o que precisa ;)2012-02-01T11:03:02+00:00 in Zürich (Kreis 3) / Friesenberg, Switzerland To: Public
Essa galerinha atacando sites de bancos com DDOS, não tem mais o que fazer não? Hackers são por natureza criativos, cadê a criatividade?Ricardo Pontes, Ricardo Pontes shared this.
@nandaweiden taí a prova de que não são hackers, né? :-)