Neil Darlow neildarlow@identi.ca
Bedford, United Kingdom
A Hardware/Software Engineer who uses FreeBSD and GNU/Linux.
2013-07-12T09:11:37Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
My first post since Identi.ca migrated to pump.io. Currently working on a cross-platform client for pump.io and other, Free, Social Networks. More details to come as work progresses.Akari-chan likes this.
2013-06-13T09:44:38+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom via Choqok To: Fedora users, Public
!fedora 18 just got KDE-4.10.4 as a regular update. Great work KDE Team.2013-06-04T13:05:54+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom via Choqok To: Arch Linux, Public
Installed !Archlinux filesystem update on two machines OK. Had to modify my Samba-3.6.13 packages to new layout. That was also easy. Result!2013-06-03T10:22:35+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom via Choqok To: Fedora users, Public
Looks like you need to disable power save feature on ath9k if you want to achieve anything like 300Mbps wireless Class n performance !fedora2013-05-16T12:07:15+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Arch Linux, Public
I can't update my SAMBA infrastructure to V4 yet. Just made sure I can build my own V3 packages for !Archlinux until I can make the switch.2013-05-15T06:48:20+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Public
I am going to miss the microblog nature of identia.ca once it changes to pump.io. Using a web browser to dent will feel uncomfortable to me.2013-05-08T21:00:47+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Fedora users, Public
Am I the only one with broken wireless after today's wpa_supplicant update? Thank-the-maker my repeater has a wired port I can use. !fedora2013-04-30T09:25:51+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Fedora users, Public
Latest !fedora KDE workspaces update fixes the "notifications displayed at top of screen" problem. I was just beginning to get used to them.2013-04-29T12:53:54+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: The FreeBSD Project, Public
Making two different greylisting solutions (sendmail/milter-greylist and postfix/sqlgrey) operate consistently is very interesting. !FreeBSD2013-04-26T09:04:42+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Arch Linux, Public
Saw a problem with nfsd failing at boot due to hostname resolution fail. Added After= and Requires= on named.service to fix it. !Archlinux2013-04-25T20:01:21+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: The FreeBSD Project, Public
Replaced policyd v1 with sqlgrey on my !FreeBSD server. Trading 1 compiled C package for 6 Perl ones but it seems to be doing the job nicely2013-04-17T19:36:47+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Fedora users, Public
I have some ath9k problem. Not sure if it's related to kernel-3.8.7 or recent NetworkManager update (or both) but I'll keep looking. !fedora@neildarlow OK not !fedora. I was routing through a Wireless Repeater. I needed to clone eth0 MAC address onto wlan0 and now all is working.2013-04-12T17:21:49+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Arch Linux, Public
!Archlinux Heads-up! samba has transitioned from 3.x to 4.x and 4.x clients won't work against 3.x servers. Beware of this update.2013-04-12T13:34:58+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Arch Linux, Public
!Archlinux netctl migration complete. A couple of routes needed to be fixed but otherwise successful. Not quite a netcfg dropin replacement.2013-04-11T17:10:53+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Wireless upgrade Pt. 2. Getting my Gaming and AV equipment onto 802.11n with a TRENDnet TEW-640MB Wireless Bridge. Less wireless pathways.2013-04-09T09:36:27+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Public
I have been bugged with KMail address auto-completion not working with Akonadi resources. I came up with this workaround http://ur1.ca/dbgl12013-04-05T10:19:40+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Fedora users, Public
Instead of "stable" I should have said "enterprise". Why not ship the latest branch also? !fedora users do not mind a little bleeding edge.@neildarlow you can probably get it from rawhide.2013-04-05T10:16:58+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Fedora users, Public
I am always puzzled why !fedora ships updates to many packages promptly e.g. #firefox but #LibreOffice remains on the "stable" branch. :S@neildarlow because the web changes independent of browser versions - LibreOffice however doesn't have such a requirement. Stability trumps.@neildarlow 'cause it's part of the critical-path-apps group: bit.ly/Zh4ZiS Try 'yum groupinfo critical-path-apps'2013-04-02T19:47:54+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Gombang Nan Cengka, Harley Laue, Public
@losinggeneration, @gombang What I am saying is that we should have an open mind on what makes a good distribution. Not focus on one aspect.@neildarlow That one aspect may be the make-it-or-break it aspect for someone (that's all I'm getting at)2013-03-26T20:16:22+00:00 in Bedford, England, United Kingdom To: Arch Linux, The FreeBSD Project, Public
Migrated my !Archlinux and !FreeBSD Qemu guests to virtio. A heart-stopping moment at each restart but working well. Yay for virtualization!