Antonio Martín nerjamartin@identi.ca
DesdeLinux.net desdelinux@identi.ca
Xfce Desktop Environment xfce@identi.ca
This is the official channel through which Xfce releases and important news is announced .
Ubuntu One ubuntuone@identi.ca
Team account for Ubuntu One, the personal cloud that brings your digital life together.
Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.
Debian Project debian@identi.ca
Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica
Fedora Project fedora@identi.ca
This is the official feed for the Fedora Project, a global free software community sponsored by Red Hat.