frankenspock at 2013-06-12T02:37:08+00:00
I did those, too. Actually mostly those. Fucking hell you people eat like pigs.C. M. Hobbs likes this.
chromatic at 2012-12-06T17:15:07+00:00
XMPP integration, if it ever comes back.C. M. Hobbs likes this.
Stav Prodromou at 2012-12-04T20:02:31+00:00
!q "!Physics is like sex. Sure, it has some practical results, but that's not why we do it." ~ Richard sucks, C. M. Hobbs, Erkan Yılmaz, Sasan S and 2 others likes this.
John Comeau, John Comeau, Fuck it, Fuck it and 6 others shared this.