2015-03-22T23:20:44Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-01-01T01:08:22+00:00 To: Public
I'm not going to pump.io this will probably be my last dent. So long, and thanks for all the fish... (may continue on twitter same username)Quote For The Day shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-28T05:03:50+00:00 To: Public
Quote For The Day shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-28T05:03:50+00:00 via web To: Public
2012-12-25T02:13:55+00:00 To: Public
Es de pecho frio creer en la derrota digna.Duck Nebuchadnezzar shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-21T12:16:02+00:00 To: Public
"It looked like he cut himself" - Starburn's last televised words. #HisNameWasAlexDuck Nebuchadnezzar shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-21T12:16:02+00:00 via web To: Public
"It looked like he cut himself" - Starburn's last televised words. #HisNameWasAlexLuis shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-21T16:25:17+00:00 To: Public
It's 11:07 AM and it is all quiet on the northern front...Luis shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-21T16:25:17+00:00 via web To: Public
It's 11:07 AM and it is all quiet on the northern front...2012-12-21T14:04:49+00:00 To: Public
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has a few things to say on the subject of towels..."2012-12-19T12:04:33+00:00 To: Public
Don't write that down!Duck Nebuchadnezzar shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-19T12:03:05+00:00 via web To: Public
Dear aspiring supervillians. If you have any hope of ruling the world before it ends, you best get cracking.Duck Nebuchadnezzar shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-19T12:03:05+00:00 To: Public
Dear aspiring supervillians. If you have any hope of ruling the world before it ends, you best get cracking.j1mc shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-17T19:17:03+00:00 via web To: Public
PDF: Where data goes to die. : (Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
j1mc shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-17T19:17:03+00:00 To: Public
PDF: Where data goes to die. : (Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
2012-12-17T19:13:55+00:00 To: Public
Que haces, tres veces, que haces...(8)2012-12-16T01:08:33+00:00 To: Public
The sorting hat didn't sing...zoowar shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-14T19:02:41+00:00 To: Public
AdBlock makes the world a better place.zoowar shared by Fuck it at 2012-12-14T19:02:41+00:00 via web To: Public
AdBlock makes the world a better place.