noobsaibot noobsaibot@identi.ca
2012-05-01T08:24:36+00:00 To: KDE, Public
kudos to all !kde webdevs ... awesome redesign!Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
Jure Repinc (JLP), Jure Repinc (JLP) shared this.
2012-04-08T15:38:18+00:00 To: KDE, Public
why do i keep receiving new empty blog entries from C. Boemann on planet !kde?David E. Narváez, David E. Narváez shared this.
2012-01-29T09:50:02+00:00 To: KDE, Public
all activities gone ... wtf !kde 4.8?2012-01-26T19:31:17+00:00 To: Gentoo Linux, KDE, Public
2011-12-10T16:10:48+00:00 To: Gentoo Linux, Public
!gentoo still no kde 4.7.4 in ~amd64?2011-09-22T17:04:48+00:00 To: KDE, Public
really annoying. can't convert bought audio cds with audiocd kio_slave, neither was amarok able to do. k3b to the rescue !kdeAccount to delete, Account to delete shared this.
2011-07-09T09:03:07+00:00 To: Public
@sredna i understand that, but forum would be better anyway; where the solution would be more persistent ;)2011-07-09T08:35:14+00:00 To: KDE, Public
@noobsaibot he's not spamming leave him alone2011-07-09T06:10:41+00:00 To: KDE, Public
@sredna dunno if you're trolling, exceptionally goofy or extr. unlucky. my migration to kmail2 went smooth !kde@noobsaibot Actually kmail2 is pretty filled with bugs :(@noobsaibot I doubt @sredna is making it up. kmail to kmail2 migration is still hit.2011-06-29T19:20:04+00:00 To: KDE, Public
oh how i hate that the "independent" plasmoids interfere each other !kde2011-06-29T15:51:06+00:00 To: Public
wieso schaltet sich mein !htc desire s ständig ab?2011-06-14T06:49:42+00:00 To: Gentoo Linux, Public
can't sync the kde overlay in !gentoo ... "The remote end hung up unexpectedly".2011-06-11T13:47:22+00:00 To: Gentoo Linux, Public
!gentoo does the autounmask work with package.use being a directory?2011-06-08T19:22:33+00:00 To: KDE, Public
is it possible to use konqueror+webkit with vim key bindings? !kde@noobsaibot Not sure about Konqueror (Pentadactyl for Firefox), but some Webkit browsers+vim-like bindings: Chrome w/Vimium, jumaniji, uzbl2011-06-08T19:13:02+00:00 To: KDE, Public
would like to create additional "audio output" devices in phonon config and be able to add apps to these groups !kde2011-06-08T18:39:01+00:00 To: Gentoo Linux, KDE, Public
2011-05-21T06:06:15+00:00 To: Eric Mesa, Public
@noobsaibot can you point me to some instructions? I haven't been able to find the interface for doing that2011-05-08T20:11:52+00:00 To: KDE, Public
is it possible to show rating in !amarok's notifications !kde? system notifications that is, not the osd.@noobsaibot Yes, just install the amaroKnotify Script2011-04-29T19:44:44+00:00 To: Public
ᐅ The Bleeding by Five Finger Death Punch from The Way of the Fist [Amarok]