Sophie G at 2010-09-24T14:17:21+00:00
Japan captures a Chinese fisherman and plays tough. China says it will stop delivering rare earths to Japan. Japan frees fisherman.Stéphane Deschamps likes this.
delete this account at 2010-09-07T08:09:09+00:00
Comme disait un grand homme politique : « Nous sommes tous des japonais » (2010-09-07 ; @notabene)Stéphane Deschamps likes this.
vxl at 2010-03-24T07:16:43+00:00
Fail de linuxiens : un des thèmes les plus téléchargés sur Mint semble juste reproduire le look and feel Max OS X, logo Apple compris.Stéphane Deschamps likes this.
Olivier G. ☃ at 2009-09-22T12:19:22+00:00
R @nonyme : epic link #fail at the bottom of http://www.soundtribes.com/fermeture/final_fr.htmlStéphane Deschamps likes this.
larusalka at 2009-09-01T20:24:23+00:00
Stéphane Deschamps likes this.
delete this account at 2009-08-28T17:55:28+00:00
Je n'y croyais pas et pourtant : un laptop + un canapé = génération spontanée de chat qui ronronne.Stéphane Deschamps likes this.
delete this account at 2009-07-14T16:09:02+00:00
burinho for President!Stéphane Deschamps likes this.
Monique Brunel at 2009-05-25T17:50:51+00:00
voilà... depuis identifox, 23 propositions pour adopter identi.ca http://rn7.net/w/BigSwitch (@charlesnepote)Evan Prodromou, Stéphane Deschamps, Monique Brunel likes this.