Lydia Pintscher at 2012-04-22T16:55:04+00:00
OMG! !OpenAdvice is finally on Amazon \o/ http://ur1.ca/925oa *happydance*Nuno Marco Fernandes Pinheiro, Dorian Pula, Marco Martin likes this.
Andre Klapper, Andre Klapper, Rex Dieter, Rex Dieter and 6 others shared this.
@nightrose woo, congratulations!Martin Gräßlin at 2012-03-01T19:40:11+00:00
Quote of the day: "in some years we'll look at those ui transparencies like we look at those 80's haircuts"Ivan Čukić, Marco Martin likes this.
Ivan Čukić, Ivan Čukić, a(n) person, a(n) person and 2 others shared this.
@mgraesslin tell that to the oxygen-transparent guys :PMartin Gräßlin at 2012-02-11T15:20:42+00:00
New #KWin window tabbing code entered master. Many bugs got fixed by that :-)KDE Community, Marco Martin likes this.
Kevin Ottens at 2012-02-08T16:45:56+00:00
♻ @amsellemyves: Architect – Overrated! http://t.co/Z465I77O (via @octalmind)Marco Martin likes this.
Marco Martin, Marco Martin shared this.
Ivan Čukić at 2011-12-16T17:46:03+00:00
Learning Machine Learning under Plasma Active !KDE http://ur1.ca/6r6ziMarco Martin likes this.
Jos Poortvliet at 2011-03-02T21:32:43+00:00
made nice curry with leftovers. I used a little dried pepper but @camilasan still thinks it is too hot, prefers fresh peppers without seedsMarco Martin likes this.
Aaron Seigo at 2011-02-02T19:40:12+00:00
awesome! REVIEW:# in commits now closes the review request on review board, just like BUG:# does for bugzilla! check it: http://ur1.ca/33esvMarco Martin likes this.