Ohio Linuxfest ohiolinux@identi.ca
Major Linuxfest for the mid-west USA. Follow @ohiolinux for announcements & news
James h jackson jr jameshjacksonjr@identi.ca
Rhode Island United States
Fan and supporter of #opensource devices and services and also into pureOS linux on my purism librem 15 laptop and backed the purism librem 5 phone coming out!!!
Kevin Otte nivex@identi.ca
Hillsborough, United States
Linux, IPv6 geek (http://flyingpenguintech.org ). Amateur radio operator N8VNR. Air and space fan.
Michael Schultheiss schultmc@identi.ca
Gadget Wisdom Guru gadgetwisdom@identi.ca
Woodside Houses, United States
Editor, Gadget Wisdom Blog and all around interesting guy
Derek Mahar derekmahar@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
Software developer and open source software enthusiast.
Craig Maloney snapl@identi.ca
The Internet
Old account. See me on Mastodon at craigmaloney@octodon.social
Doug Stanley thafreak@identi.ca
linux sysadmin, open source advocate, wanna be software dev and wanna be amateur photographer.
Shaun Mallette chicagonpg@identi.ca
Chicago, United States
Linux Hacker, Freedom Lover, Open Source Developer Student.