openinformation openinformation@identi.ca
Kalmusweier, Germany
Linguist, Free (as in speech) Software user, Web developer using Django and interested in Python NLTK
Electronic Frontier Foundation eff@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Defending your civil liberties in a digital world! Follow us to stay at the forefront of tech policy issues.
Erkan Yılmaz erkanyilmaz@identi.ca
Karlsruhe, Germany
trying ... to avoid words like: only, all, always, never, forever, ...? systems, thinking http://oracle.skilledtests.com/erkanyilmaz
Stefano Zacchiroli zack@identi.ca
Paris, France
Geek, Debian Project Leader 2010-2013, Free Software zealot, Computer Science professor. Italian from Bologna, emigrated to Paris, France
P2P Foundation p2pfoundation@identi.ca
Observing the impact of peer-to-peer, technology and thought on society.
Debian Project debian@identi.ca
Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica
Command Line Magic climagic@identi.ca
Cool Unix/Linux Command Line tricks you can use in 140 characters or less.
Victor Antonio Blanco Gomez l0rd5had0w@identi.ca
Setul, Guatemala
I am a computer and open source enthusiast, I love programming in Perl, I'm interested in computer security and pentracion tests.
Bonn Applied English Linguistics linguisticsbonn@identi.ca
Leonel Nunez len@identi.ca
ubuntuusers ubuntuusers@identi.ca
Nachrichten von Ikhaya: Ikhaya ist der Nachrichtenblog von ubuntuusers mit Nachrichten rund um Ubuntu, Linux und Open Source.
Renata Avila avilarenata@identi.ca
Renata Avila, (Guatemalan), International Human Rights and Technology Lawyer and author, Co-founder of the Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms. She is an Advisory Board member for Creative Commons. She also serves as a Global Trustee of the Think Tank Digital Future Society and a Council Member of the Progressive International. Currently, she is about to launch a global effort to democratise knowledge.
Andy Kaplan-Myrth kaplanmyrth@identi.ca
Ottawa, Canada
I am Andy Kaplan-Myrth, a lawyer based in Ottawa, working in internet, privacy, and telecommunications law. Where I am on the Internet, I am usually @kaplanmyrth.
Børge A. Roum forteller@identi.ca
Oslo sentrum, Norway
I'm a leftie, freegan, FLOSS & web 2.0 enthusiast. Climate change is the worst threat humanity has been up against. Why don't we fix it?
Launchpad.net launchpad@identi.ca
Free software collaboration and project hosting from the friendly folks at Canonical.