Open Internet Tools Project openitp@identi.ca
Ga-Maeleletja, South Africa
We incubate open source projects that focus on anti-censorship and anti-surveillance
2012-11-02T02:14:22+00:00 via web To: Electronic Frontier Foundation, Open Internet Tools Project, Public
@OpenITP helped support launch of @EFF's Open Wireless Movement #openwifi. http://ur1.ca/ar6q7 Join OWM -- make the Net stronger.2012-08-15T20:54:25+00:00 via web To: Open Internet Tools Project, Public
@OpenITP seeking researcher to examine circumvention tech usage in China / Asia. http://identi.ca/url/73184562James Vasile, James Vasile, Karl Fogel, Karl Fogel shared this.
2012-06-25T19:55:27+00:00 in Everywhere, Limpopo Province, South Africa via web To: Public
Come to OpenITP Circumvention Tech Hackfest in NYC, July 9-12 (before HOPE) -- circumvention is better together! http://ur1.ca/9kd0qKarl Fogel, Karl Fogel shared this.
2012-01-12T22:37:27+00:00 via web To: Open Internet Tools Project, Public
Open Internet Tools Project @OpenITP (supports secure/anon Internet comms work) looking for Executive Director: http://bit.ly/w5xG7NKarl Fogel, Karl Fogel shared this.