OuiShare Labs ouisharelabs@identi.ca

Fern Terrace, Guam

Hacking the collaborative economy


  • Richard Smedley richardsmedley@identi.ca

    Social entrepreneur, 3rd sector techie, and Free Software supporter. Amateur musician, and former professional organic horticulturist.

  • Goteo. Crowdfunding the commons goteofunding@identi.ca

    Barcelona, Spain

    Financiación colectiva para el beneficio colectivo (procomún). Open Crowdfunding social network soon in full english!

  • Maxime Lathuiliere maxlath@identi.ca

    Paris, France

    web-entrepreneur-minded euro/green/geek citizen, SocEnt P2P-economy Open/Hack CollectiveIntelligence ForABetterFuture BookSurfing / OuiShare