PaK-Zer0 pakzer0@identi.ca
Sebitya, Spain
@PaK_Zer0 #ElBastonDeLaVieja @xAntropofobiAx #musician #chiptune #hexawe @CulturaChip #progmetal #developer #cyberanarchist #Fotutentica #Almendralejo #Gibraleon #Sevilla
2015-10-19T06:54:06Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
Add this one to your digital cyberpunkcoremetal collection and set up the OST of WWIII!Rushed and a last minute beast, but surelly an aggresive track to get back on the edge of doing raw songs with lyrics. Made for Hexawe's awesome 0x0A anniversary compo TURNTNES (hexawe.net/compos/turntnes/). It may be a bit rough on the edges, and somehow a little bit bloated with a few riffs and changes a bit forced, but being a track written and conceived in a few hours, I'm really satisfied with the result.Dedicated to a different europe that I've been dreaming about long enough.Grab it here! https://soundcloud.com/pakzer0/arise2013-09-27T07:08:07Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
Meanwhile, at Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/pakzer0/ii-compo-invasores-pak-zer0-no PaK-Zer0 - No drama #chiptune #chipmusic2012-12-06T00:07:17+00:00 via web To: Public
Back to identi.ca ;)2011-08-18T12:30:23+00:00 via web To: Public
Primer dent ¿Que hubiera dicho Edison? Hubiera puesto una gorda a cantar, o algo así, pero ¿qué haría yo? xDDD Foooooooo!