Pensador Louco pensadorlouco@identi.ca
One of the weirdest guys you might find, an anarchist and free software enthusiast. Oh, and a nightmare cartoonist, too.
2013-07-15T11:18:31Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
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Hilton Garcia Fernandes shared this.
2013-06-30T19:34:12+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Musica e Fantasia, Public
Energia http://ur1.ca/eh944 via @musicaefantasia2013-06-30T19:23:40+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
MiniTube Adds Account-Free Subscription, Heads to Ubuntu Software Centre http://is.gd/rjBtGF2013-06-30T19:11:38+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
Half Life 2 sai do Beta e é totalmente portado pra Linux http://ur1.ca/ehlm32013-06-29T14:15:00+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
A Dança dos Vampiros (1967) http://wp.me/p2tNJ3-TG2013-06-29T13:52:23+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
Game of Thrones Cast Attempts to Sing Show's Theme Song: http://youtu.be/D4Tu1l5_9302013-06-29T13:43:40+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
Simpsons vai retratar em um episódio os protestos realizados no Brasil : Fail Wars - http://is.gd/JtvoJs2013-06-29T13:37:52+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Time Zone Appropriate Greetings, Public
Good morning and !tzag, everyone. 8)2013-06-16T16:15:30+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Hotot To: Public
Que porra acontece com o tuíter? Não consigo mais acessá-lo por nenhum cliente, e ele não recebe mais as mensagens do Identica! Cacete!2013-06-16T11:39:05+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
Funny. For the last three days, Gwibber stopped showing my twitter account, and Identica stopped sending my post to twitter. Coincidence?@pensadorlouco not coincidence, just another incompatible twitter api change2013-06-15T18:21:04+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
22 Hidden Downsides They Don't Show in Superhero Movies - http://is.gd/saQrS62013-06-15T12:38:42+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
The incredibly amazing 3D pencil drawings by JJK Airbrush - http://is.gd/PL0BsaHilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes shared this.
2013-06-15T12:31:15+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
188 – Morte Para um Monstro (1965) - http://is.gd/fmK8v3Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Pensador Louco at 2013-06-14T00:15:35+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Watch how corporate press of billionaire #bloomberg mischaracterises the protests in #turkey http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-06-12/turkish-police-retakes-square-amid-clashes.html sickeningPensador Louco shared this.
2013-06-14T00:12:31+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Identiverse, Time Zone Appropriate Greetings, Public
Good night and !tzag !identiverse. How is everyone going? It's been so long since the last time, I'm feeling like a tourist. 8)Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes shared this.
@pensadorlouco Good morning, or !tzag, Witty Thinker ! We're all afraid of the !pumpiocalipse ! 8-)Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Pensador Louco at 2013-06-09T19:31:04+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Not much is being said about the fact that #washpo and #guardian are now doing exactly what #wikileaks did - why the hate for #assange ?Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Kuro Sawai, Pensador Louco, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Jose R Rodriguez shared this.
@schestowitz assange refused to be silenced. let's see how washpo and guardian deal with the pressure this time2013-06-09T13:55:06+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
Ouvindo episódios passados do @Masmorra_Cast - Um dos melhores Casts de cinema. Ouçam também - http://ur1.ca/e98d4Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Pensador Louco at 2013-06-01T15:55:27+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
10 Linux Distributions and Their Targeted Users http://www.tecmint.com/10-linux-distributions-and-their-targeted-users/ #gnu #linuxPensador Louco shared this.
2013-06-01T15:40:13+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
Hospital Usa Super-Heróis Contra o Câncer Infantil - http://is.gd/i1xAlg2013-06-01T15:32:42+00:00 in Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
Leonardo DiCaprio's Appian Way to Adapt The Shining Girls - http://ur1.ca/9uboz http://ur1.ca/e529a via @horrormovies