mahdy beygi at 2012-10-01T22:02:06+00:00
"Pride only hurts, it never helps." - Marsellus Wallace !qPiHalbe likes this.
Kuro Sawai at 2012-10-02T06:58:21+00:00
Wer im Flugzeug #Beinfreiheit verlangt, bekommt nicht den Sessel des Piloten sondern den Platz am Notausgang. !politik !dePiHalbe likes this. at 2012-06-29T01:06:56+00:00
Let us not forget the scarcest resource of all: Time. We are running out of time. -- Ban Ki-moon at Rio 20 !q !climatePiHalbe likes this.
laurelrusswurm at 2011-09-08T14:02:28+00:00
"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." ~James Dean !qPiHalbe, Heikki Lappalainen likes this.
Christina Haralanova at 2011-08-15T21:42:16+00:00
"You save the world with the people you've got, not the people you want." (via @kotope @Gelada) !q #qt4dHilton Garcia Fernandes, PiHalbe likes this.
Patrik Willard, Patrik Willard shared this.
Frank Holldorff at 2010-08-28T08:28:27+00:00
Warum muss ich mir bei einer gekauften DVD immer diesen Kopierschutz Rotz ansehen? Sollen die das doch auf die kopierten DVDs machen!PiHalbe likes this.
Frank Holldorff at 2010-06-09T06:28:31+00:00
[share] Neulich an einer BP-Tankstelle (via @chrisjung)PiHalbe likes this.