Basisgurke piratenschlumpf@identi.ca
Meine Mudda war im Herzen schon immer Pirat Retweet≠Zustimmung Sarkasmuswarnung Vertrau keinem Pirat,informier Dich Koordinator PG GO NRW
vinzv (inactive) vinzv@identi.ca
Augsburg, Germany
This account is inactive, but since pump.io has no account termination feature, I'll have to keep this open. You can follow me at https://gnusocial.de/vinzv
Fefes Blog fefesblog@identi.ca
Fefesblog-to-Identi.ca. Bei Problemen/Fragen bei @silsha melden.
Mario Sixtus sixtus@identi.ca
Journalist, Autor, Video- und TV-Fuzzi, Gründer der Blinkenlichten Produktionen
plomlompom plomlompom@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
futurist, nostalgiac, post-cinephile, pseudo-singularitarian, meme & identity network; 28/m/internet. All my own dent texts: public domain.
@weizenspreu weizenspreu@identi.ca
Christian Specht pego@identi.ca
Am Krähnocken, Germany
ausgebildeter Buchhändler, abgebrochener Informatiker, Skeptiker, Atheist und vor allem anderen: Pirat!
Anatol Stefanowitsch astefanowitsch@identi.ca
Not here
This account is inactive/Dieser Account ist inaktiv. [CK]onkta[ck]t: Twitter: @astefanowitsch
Hanns-Jörg Rohwedder danebod@identi.ca
Dortmund, Germany
Born '57, eco-pirate, danish-speaking. Member of State Parliament of Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany for Pirate Party
undeletable unchangeable unuseable for years miradlo@identi.ca
doesnt matter
unusable undeletable account since 2018 unchangeable since 2013 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Asked Evan various times https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Prodromou ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Evan promised to make it deletable. Evan wrote he would delete the account, but nothing happens. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: undeletable account and undeletable posts undeletable infos since 2018 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Valentin Brückel bridgerdier@identi.ca
Bonn, Germany
I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star. We are Grey - We stand between the darkness and the light.
Johannes Ponader johannesponader@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
Theatermensch, Grundeinkommensbezieher, polGF der Piratenpartei.