2017-03-09T17:45:17Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
Scientists Think Potatoes Could Actually Grow On MarsHope you like chips...
2017-03-09T17:38:30Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
Private Space Stations Could Orbit the Moon by 2020, Robert Bigelow SaysBigelow Aerospace entrepreneur Robert Bigelow says private lunar refueling depots could orbit the moon by 2020. Here's how.
2017-01-13T07:38:20Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
Our Galaxy’s Black Hole is Spewing Out Planet-size "Spitballs"Every few thousand years, an unlucky star wanders too close to the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. The black hole's powerful gravity rips the star apart, sending a long streamer of gas whipping outward. That would seem to be the end of the story, but it's not.
2016-12-23T18:50:06Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
OpenShot 2.2 Open-Source Video Editor Released with 4K Video Editing, MoreOut now for GNU/Linux, macOS, and Microsoft Windows
2016-12-23T18:50:04Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
Debian-Based Raspbian GNU/Linux OS with PIXEL Desktop Out Now for PC and MacStill in development so it might not work for everyone
2016-12-12T16:14:27Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
Stephen Hawking, NASA Working On Nano-Starship That Can Travel 1/5 The Speed Of LightResearchers have to find a way to protect the craft from cosmic radiation.
2016-12-12T15:01:33Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
Rapid rise in methane emissions in 10 years surprises scientistsMethane warms planet 20 times as much as similar CO2 volumes but lack of monitoring means scientists can’t be sure of sources
2016-11-04T11:40:04Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
systemd 232 Supports VeraCrypt Encrypted Partitions, Adds 60 ImprovementsAvailable now for various GNU/Linux distributions
Mr Eat-All
2016-11-01T16:16:14Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
Michel Lotito - WikipediaMichel Lotito (June 15, 1950 – June 25, 2007) was a French entertainer, born in Grenoble, famous for deliberately consuming indigestible objects. He came to be known as Monsieur Mangetout ("Mr Eat-All").
His performances involved the consumption of metal, glass, rubber and other materials. He disassembled, cut-up, and consumed bicycles, shopping carts, televisions, a Cessna 150, and other items. The Cessna 150 took roughly two years to be "eaten", from 1978 to 1980. He began eating unusual material as a teenager around 16 years of age and performed publicly from 1966.2016-10-30T21:20:16Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
The ethics of colonizing MarsShould we take ourselves to other planets? Human rationality and values have woven dark, damaged, all-powerful systems into the tapestry of civilization...
2016-10-30T18:53:22Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
2016-10-29T22:30:04Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
Mozilla announces Project Quantum, a new web engine for FirefoxMozilla announced Project Quantum, a new web engine for Firefox that promises to deliver a "fast and smooth" experience on desktop and mobile. Users will see these changes by the end of 2017.
2016-10-25T19:10:07Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
Jobcenter fragt Schwangere: Mit wem hatten Sie Sex? (neues deutschland)Dass Jobcenter ihre Antragssteller bis ins Detail durchleuchten wollen, ist bekannt. Ein in Stade herausgegebenes Formular geht jedoch zu weit: Es fragt Schwangere nach ihren Sexualpartnern - unter Strafandrohung.
2016-10-24T22:01:00Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, or is it?Five years ago, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three astronomers for their discovery that the universe is expanding at an accelerating pace. This led to the widespread acceptance of the idea that the universe is dominated by a mysterious substance named 'dark energy' that drives this accelerating expansion. Now, a team of scientists has cast doubt on this standard cosmological concept. The evidence for acceleration may be flimsier than previously thought, they say, with the data being consistent with a constant rate of expansion.
What the history of free and open source software teaches us about strategic advantage
2016-10-24T21:43:47Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
What the history of open source teaches us about strategic advantageOpen source visionary Bob Young recalls his early insights into
open sourcefree software — and explains what they can teach open organizations today.2016-10-24T21:32:03Z via friend.rbose.org To: Public
Android phones rooted by “most serious” Linux escalation bug everNew rooting technique is believed to work against every version.
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