Carlos Debian point@identi.ca
Salta, Argentina
Pienso todos los días y estoy muy orgulloso de ello. Aún no me pasó nada muy interesante, pero déjame vivir un poco más y luego te cuento.
- Detestar a la gente que saca latinismos ex nihilo.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Carlos Debian, Carlos Solís likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Carlos Solís, Carlos Solís shared this.
Gatoso Oso at 2012-12-16T03:52:37+00:00
Free software at the CERN, or: how did FOSS help the discovery of Higgs boson ur1.ca/c2xueCarlos Debian likes this.
Carlos Debian, Carlos Debian shared this.
Marco Amadori at 2012-12-15T23:51:25+00:00
!Python for Browsers http://ur1.ca/c2k4oNick Daly, chillkroete, Jamasi, debexpert and 5 others likes this.
Hernán Rodriguez, Hernán Rodriguez, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 18 others shared this.
Is it a Python interpreter written in #JavaScript?! Quite cool, if so...chillkroete at 2012-12-19T20:32:23+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
JavaScript is cool. If you look at it for the first time you think "okay, sweet". And then somebody builds damn cool stuff with it...chillkroete at 2012-12-19T22:24:47+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
@chillkroete Who learnt Javascript as a thingy to create fancy page effects can't accept it grew much more powerful than that.eepica at 2012-12-14T12:12:51+00:00
Buenos días. Hoy me preparé un delicioso desayuno, el único problema es que salí y olvidé desayunar.Carlos Debian likes this.
Quote For The Day at 2012-11-07T05:00:15+00:00
“There are two rules for success: 1. Never tell everything you know.” — Roger H. Lincoln #Q4TD !q http://j.mp/VBdB0gDavid "Judah's Shadow" Blue, gdk, Carlos Debian likes this.
gdk, gdk, Carlos Debian, Carlos Debian shared this.
Carlos Debian at 2012-11-07T02:07:04+00:00
Ya lo dijo Tolstoy, "Los sistemas seguros son todos iguales, los inseguros lo son cada uno a su manera".Carlos Debian likes this.
Quote For The Day at 2012-11-05T05:00:13+00:00
“You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.” — Naguib Mahfouz #Q4TD !qDavid "Judah's Shadow" Blue, Carlos Debian likes this.
David "Judah's Shadow" Blue, David "Judah's Shadow" Blue, Carlos Debian, Carlos Debian shared this.
Gatoso Oso at 2012-03-13T01:50:04+00:00
Miles convoca a asistir mañana a votación por despenalización de aborto en #Valparaíso ur1.ca/8mpfi #ChileCarlos Debian likes this.
Carlos Debian, Carlos Debian shared this.
Show all 10 replies@zuargo entiendo tu punto y verdaderamente es horrible q pase eso.. es inhumano.. pero también es inhumano matar a una vida q no pidio nacer@zuargo es complejo. a ti t estimó, como puedo estimar a un amigo q conozco solo x la red, entiendo tu punto y tienes razón pero no en todo.@zuargo yo creo q en lugar d hacer políticas sobre el Aborto, deberían tratar el tema de métodos anticonceptivosValentin Villenave at 2012-02-05T21:53:57+00:00
@micu Is it out yet? I thought Procrastinationbuntu was to be released next week. (Or next month.) (Or later.) (Meh.) !ubuntuCarlos Debian likes this.
Carolina Flores Hine at 2012-02-02T05:17:41+00:00
Morir Eso no se le hace a un gato http://ur1.ca/7z5ktCarlos Debian likes this.
Carlos Debian, Carlos Debian shared this.
Quote For The Day at 2012-02-02T05:00:56+00:00
“C++ is history repeated as tragedy. Java is history repeated as farce.” — Scott McKay #Q4TD !q http://j.mp/zQICFianagarjuna, Carlos Debian likes this.
Carlos Debian, Carlos Debian shared this.
Quote For The Day at 2012-01-16T05:01:17+00:00
“If we decide the real world is wrong because it does not match our lab, we are not doing science, we are doing economics.” — #lca2012 !qCarlos Debian, Christina Haralanova, gryps75, Peter Guhl likes this.
Carlos Debian, Carlos Debian, Ivan Čukić, Ivan Čukić and 6 others shared this.
Quote For The Day at 2012-01-26T05:00:36+00:00
“Feelings are much like waves, we can’t stop them from coming, but we can choose which one to surf.” — Jonatan Mårtensson #Q4TD !qCarlos Debian likes this.
John Comeau, John Comeau, asm, asm shared this.
Quote For The Day at 2012-01-31T05:01:54+00:00
My 4-year old told me how a double-sided pencil can be used even if one end is broken. I told her how to say “fault-tolerant redundancy.” !qHeikki Lappalainen, etam1024, Space Hobo, naw and 1 others likes this.
Heikki Lappalainen, Heikki Lappalainen, naw, naw and 2 others shared this.
Fernando at 2012-01-30T23:56:31+00:00
Ah, claro. ¡Ahora me van a decir que soy el único que ha considerado seriamente comprar un arma y salir a matar a todo el mundo! #SoyNormalCarlos Debian likes this.
eepica at 2012-01-30T21:54:32+00:00
"De querer ser a creer que se es ya, va la distancia de lo trágico a lo cómico". José Ortega y GassetCarlos Debian likes this.
eepica at 2012-01-30T21:54:42+00:00
"Un tropiezo te puede llevar casi tan adelante como un salto, aunque te hagas daño al caer".Carlos Debian likes this.
@eepica estás inspirada hoylajuyis at 2012-01-28T15:22:13+00:00
http://ur1.ca/7x9dx :O Hitler, Waterfall and ScrumCarlos Debian likes this.
Carlos Debian, Carlos Debian shared this.
ducuchu at 2011-12-14T04:22:51+00:00
@point le acabo d preguntar y pq ateo? y me dijo, q es pq es una persona sincera, valiente y q razona..Carlos Debian likes this.
@ducuchu me cae bien tu papá, :)Carlos Debian at 2011-03-09T18:05:18+00:00
Carta abierta al Canciller Héctor Timerman « Tomate 10 minutos para leer, firma por favor - http://alturl.com/rrpktCarlos Debian likes this.