Matto qapsl0ck@identi.ca
Dronten, Netherlands
Text mode fan uses vim, vimperator, gnu screen and ratpoison. Prefers hjkl-keybinding and moves aroud on a bicycle and on a motorcycle
Christian Sickendieck csickendieck@identi.ca
Morston, United Kingdom
Gründer und Autor von F!XMBR, eines der meistgelesenen und -verlinkten Weblogs im deutschsprachigen Internet.
Command Line Magic climagic@identi.ca
Cool Unix/Linux Command Line tricks you can use in 140 characters or less.
Rutger van Sleen rvs@identi.ca
Groningen, Netherlands
Vrolijke import Groninger, nerd, muziekfan. Vrije en open software voorstander, voorzitter van de Nederlandse Linux Gebruikers Groep.
Michiel van Wessem michiel@identi.ca
Leicester, United Kingdom
#Slackware User, Geek, generally weird and OCPD, lover of beer, whisky, booze and odd humour, just trying to have a good time.
Matthew Davidson freemjd@identi.ca
Sawtell, Australia
Dot org entrepreneur, inventor of the alcoholic mocktail, a distressed asset. http://microblog.ourcoffs.org.au/mjd.
Birgit Hücking akkolady@identi.ca
Jean-Christophe Berthon jcberthon@identi.ca
I'm a free (software and others) advocate, world traveller and bicycle lover.
Cyrille Berger cyrille@identi.ca
Linköping, Sweden
Researcher on robotics and computer vision. Skiing, bicycle, taking pictures, a bit of drawing and a lot of open source programing.