Mihalcea Razvan raavi@identi.ca
Lovnic, Romania
Passionate webdesigner and blogger, addicted to Social Media and microblogging, I like to be friend with everyone...
PariuriTenis pariuri@identi.ca
Kol Tregaskes koltregaskes@identi.ca
Gillingham, United Kingdom
Very keen photographer, also likes music, movies, sport, computing, web dev., art, sci-fi, reading, sci-tech, dogs, space, walking + cycling
Roney Smith seedoflife@identi.ca
Christian author hiphop hip hop music atlanta pastor gospel technology african american blogger investor forex
.LAG | Larry Green boycaught@identi.ca
I leave as I enter, another boy caught in between. Award-winning Web architect, faux screenwriter, seeker of truth, pleasure and laughter.
Mike McCallister workingwriter@identi.ca
West Allis, United States
I write: software manuals by day, Linux and WordPress books by night.
Morton Fox mortonfox@identi.ca
Software engineer. Also do geocaching, Where's George, volunteer mascot gigs, Postcrossing, photography, and gas price spotting.
Rahsheen Porter rahsheen@identi.ca
Geek. Musician. Tech, New/Social Media, GTD Blogger, Coder, Ghettointellectualentarian
Muge Cerman mugecerman@identi.ca
Istanbul, Turkey
SuperInfluencer/Trendhunter/AngelAdvisor/Consultant-IMC/Knowledge Junkie