Readers Bill of Rights for Digital Books readersrights@identi.ca
Working against digital restrictions upon our Right to Read.
julian correa juliancorrea@pumpdog.me
male . july 12 1986 . **** " all my original data uploaded is placed in public domain … no rights reserved " please use it …:) https://pod.geraspora.de/posts/986497 i try not to lie , i wanna be happy , im afraid of the mirror , i like uncooked food , i want to be without fear !! http://www.youtube.com/user/juliannevillecorrea #12 picket road camp #belgaum 590001 #karnataka #india +918312433071 +919019207770 http://www.facebook.com/4joules http://in.linkedin.com/in/juliannevillecorrea http://www.facebook.com/juliannevillecorrea https://twitter.com/correajulian https://diasp.org/u/juliancorrea http://thepiratebay.org/user/julian_c http://www.youtube.com/user/juliannevillecorrea Location belgaum india 590001 Gender male Birthday July 12 1986
sazius at fmrl.me sazius@fmrl.me
Espoo, Finland
This is my backup account. It's probably a good idea to also follow my main account sazius@pump.saz.im
Sonata Green Sonata_Green@fmrl.me
I'm into free culture, glowfic, and witchcraft. Pronouns: she, her. My blog is at https://sonatagreen.com/. This account is mostly unused except for automatic crossposts from my Friendica account at https://friendica.sonatagreen.com/profile/sonata.
laurelrusswurm laurelrusswurm@identi.ca
the interwebz
I'm a self publishing author, free culture advocate, media artist and a mom. ⇐ Author page: http://laurel.russwurm.org/blogs/ • Libreleft Books http://libreleft.com ⇓—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ⇒ just now my GNUsocial Instance is under construction (http://s.russwurm.org/laurelrusswurm) | email: laurel.l@russwurm.org ⇑
Benjamin Cook BenCook@microca.st
Free Software Enthusiast, OpenStreetMap contributor, Political Technologist PGP Fingerprint: 834B CB28 C8FD 3BBE DB48 4B7A 7D17 6EE2 2D69 B366
Elena ``of Valhalla'' valhalla@identi.ca
Michael Pagnotti screenhugger@identi.ca
Orlando, United States
Ed Tech Grad Student, Blogger, Husband, Free Culture Activist, Open Tech Advocate
JackVarnell JackVarnell@pumpit.info
Jack Varnell Client and Community Relations Specialist The Good Men Project, RedBubble, IPhoneArt.Com, and Escape Into Life Gallery., Independent Writer, Prose,Poetry, and Blogger
Tom Gordon tfgordon@pumpdog.me
Berlin, Germany
Open source software developer of argumentation technology for social media, law and politics. Advocate for sustainability, permaculture, democracy, civil liberties and human rights. Musician (blues, folk, Irish trad). US American living near Berlin, Germany.
m_yarimAda m_yarimAda@pumpyourself.com
Yannick Delbecque zigong@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
Enseignant mathématiques, cégep St-Laurent Ph.D. Computer science, McGill University http://yannick.delbecque.org