Chuck Baggett chuckbaggett@identi.ca
interested in virtual words, social networks, online collaboration, science fiction.
Actualité Informatique informatique@identi.ca
Rennes, France
Passionné par la technologie, j'aime apprendre de nouveaux langages de programmation et les moteurs de recherche
Rob Connolly robconnolly@identi.ca
Auckland, New Zealand
Computer Systems Engineer with an interest in Beer, FOSS, Tramping and Sailing. Also a Brit Living in New Zealand!
The Ghost of Miss Infinity infinity@identi.ca
Fruita, United States
Hiyah! ... i'm gone as i have continued my journey deeper into federation space ... and you can find me elsewhere: quitter.se/infinity ... see you, space cowboy :)
Kev Macphail kevie@identi.ca
Lewis, United Kingdom
A lewis man, proud dad, Christian, Linux user, podcaster (CCJam, Crivins, TuxJam), Bluenose & (N.O) Saints fan, Married to @lochiesangel
Paul Pritchard expatpaul@identi.ca
British film buff and Science Fiction fan. Currently living in Belgium and earning an income from building interfaces.
ghostdancer ghostdancer@identi.ca
Donostia - San Sebastián
Some time ago I went to the fediverse. Now on https://mastodon.sdf.org/@ghostdancer dad, debian user, geek, love cooking and eating (not foodie) and drinking(from beer to whisky all the way through wine and gintonic)
SteVe Cook yorvyk@identi.ca