Carlo Ricchiardi ricchiardic@identi.ca
Turin, Italy
ex-giovane (1963), imprenditore, padre & marito, quasi magro, comunista.
anonimoconiglio (Santiago) anonimoconiglio@identi.ca
Born in Argentina, lives in Italy, from bad to worse. Blog che soffre di logorrea, costretto a non superare i 140 caratteri. Linux, Politica
jumpinshark jumpinshark@identi.ca
San Donato in Fronzano, Italy
Just another weblog writer (in italiano)
Wu Ming Foundation wumingfoundt@identi.ca
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Slightly more than you'dexpect from a band of novelists. Authors of Q, 54, Manituana, Altai etc.
Vecchio Balordo veciobaeordo@identi.ca