anonimoconiglio (Santiago) anonimoconiglio@identi.ca
Born in Argentina, lives in Italy, from bad to worse. Blog che soffre di logorrea, costretto a non superare i 140 caratteri. Linux, Politica
2013-05-01T12:58:26+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
Vans Schoenen, Vans Schoenen, antonio amarildo, antonio amarildo shared this.
2013-03-09T12:03:06+00:00 To: Public
#pessimo, mi ero scordato di postarlo anche qui | Nuovo Post - Nel nome del Casaleggio, Grillo e il blog santo » http://t.co/RRNuTaFqKN2013-02-04T11:59:43+00:00 To: Public
Nuovo Post » Il !M5S e le analisi sballate: http://t.co/DdHdudhJ come venderti un candidato di destra facendo crederti che sei di sinistraWu Ming Foundation shared by anonimoconiglio (Santiago) at 2013-02-03T21:22:27+00:00 via api To: Public
Classe operaia, anima precaria. Conversazione con Alberto Prunetti, autore di #Amianto http://bit.ly/WQ6z75Marco, Marco, anonimoconiglio (Santiago), anonimoconiglio (Santiago) shared this.
Yusuf Felly shared by anonimoconiglio (Santiago) at 2013-01-31T22:48:42+00:00 via api To: Public
“How To Open PDF Files Inside Chromium Using Evince [How To]”: http://identi.ca/url/75057248 !ubuntuFrancesco OpenCode, anonimoconiglio (Santiago) likes this.
anonimoconiglio (Santiago), anonimoconiglio (Santiago) shared this.
Ladislav Ezr shared by anonimoconiglio (Santiago) at 2013-01-08T21:07:17+00:00 via HootSuite To: Public
Is the !Unity in !Ubuntu Phone open-source?Or is there any closed-source SW made by !Canonical in it?If not then !Jolla just lost my vote :)Rhianne Boyle, Rhianne Boyle, anonimoconiglio (Santiago), anonimoconiglio (Santiago) shared this.
@redi44 It is Ubuntu and a normal Linux with a Smartphone UI, it is Open Source!I think Ubuntu itself (phone versions, too) will be open source, but most actual firmwares will contain binary blobs./usr/share at 2013-01-08T16:28:53+00:00
Ladislav Ezr likes this.
2013-01-07T11:08:04+00:00 To: Stefano Zacchiroli, Public
@zack purtroppo sei il DPL dimissionario! Una domanda OffTopic cosa ne pensi del nuovo Ubuntu Phone? dici che Debian potrà trarne vantaggio?@anonimoconiglio: il problema di Debian nel mobile sono gli accordi con i vendor (task non proprio "divertenti" per volontari da gestire)@anonimoconiglio: quindi, forse si, possiamo beneficiare di accordi fatti per distro Debian-like.Ma è presto per dirlo.Non ci sono dettagli…2013-01-05T14:24:44+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
!ubuntu !FOSS I tell you that Unity was a wannabe-desktop-tablet's interface, time has proved me right » http://identi.ca/url/74769188Show all 8 repliesAlso, relating to the img: it's, like, Unity from Ubuntu 10.10 -- of course it was way unfinished back then.@anonimoconiglio stop spreading bullshit, all the good things that are happening to linux is because of companies like canonical & redhad.Sepehr Aryani at 2013-01-05T15:44:54+00:00
Ladislav Ezr likes this.
2013-01-05T13:07:08+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
Jose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez shared this.
Hey, counting Amazon search as "spyware" would also mean ALL browsers contain spyware, as they have integrated search engine services.Which also all have serious privacy problems -- if Canonical at least uses their own proxy for requests, Firefox, Opera and Chrome do not.2013-01-04T13:50:30+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Nuovo Post » !Ubuntu Phone e "il Coniglio ideologizzato" http://t.co/uMsQodUI insomma, l'immagine introduttiva vale almeno una risata.Luca Vinci shared by anonimoconiglio (Santiago) at 2013-01-04T13:44:02+00:00 via web To: Public
Uno sguardo ironico all'Ubuntu Phone: "il Coniglio ideologizzato" http://ur1.ca/cemkcanonimoconiglio (Santiago), anonimoconiglio (Santiago) shared this.
2012-12-26T16:56:09+00:00 To: Public
Nuovo Post » Revés http://identi.ca/url/74663128 Berlusconi perde il pelo ma non il trapiantoWu Ming Foundation shared by anonimoconiglio (Santiago) at 2012-12-22T14:37:05+00:00 via HootSuite To: Public
Questa storia dei #duemarò bisognerebbe guardarla dal Kerala http://bit.ly/UQdMAU che #duemaroni raccontarla solo dall'Italietta...anonimoconiglio (Santiago), anonimoconiglio (Santiago) shared this.
♻ @wumingfoundt: Questa storia bisognerebbe guardarla dal Kerala http://bit.ly/UQdMAU che raccontarla solo dall'Italietta !italy !italia@wumingfoundt poi il fatto che La Russa li abbia offerto un posto in parlamento ai due? mi fa veramente schifoLo scrissi a caldo sulla vicenda dei #due marò ma sostanzialmente "tiene" e rimane inconfutato: http://identi.ca/url/746339492012-12-17T12:48:53+00:00 To: Public
La cosa più nerd che io abbia mai visto. Movies as code http://moviesascode.net/ Film in codice. Letteralmente.leo shared by anonimoconiglio (Santiago) at 2012-12-16T12:57:59+00:00 via web To: Public
anonimoconiglio (Santiago), anonimoconiglio (Santiago) shared this.
2012-12-16T14:47:06+00:00 To: Bradley M. Kuhn, a(n) person, Public
Canonisoft - Ancora un'altra volta !Canonical ha un comportamento degno di Microsoft » http://bit.ly/U4Or93 | @bkuhn #Ubuntu #FSFBradley M. Kuhn shared by anonimoconiglio (Santiago) at 2012-12-16T14:45:27+00:00 via web To: Public
#Microsoft once called my work "Unamerican cancer". !Canonical calls it "McCarthyism" ur1.ca/byl1i Wealthy people sure do like name-calling!Stav Prodromou, Eternal Tyro, Bauer Crowley, Inc., Rob Myers and 6 others likes this.
Andrew Alderwick, Andrew Alderwick, Eternal Tyro, Eternal Tyro and 16 others shared this.
Show all 33 repliesI can't help thinking this is an example of what this article describes: http://ur1.ca/c2v37"#Microsoft once called my work 'Unamerican cancer'… !Ubuntu's !Canonical calls it 'McCarthyism…ranting & being a dick'" http://ur1.ca/byl1i2012-12-14T14:41:11+00:00 To: Wu Ming Foundation, Public
Nuovo Post » “Restate pure sugli specchi, tanto Stallman ha ragione”: http://ow.ly/g6n7V /cc @wumingfoundt #Ubuntu #Canonical #Amazon2012-11-06T17:53:35+00:00 To: Public
Fenomenale http://youtu.be/_zteDqDUAIc :D Star Wars 7, LA FINErhockher likes this.
2012-09-19T20:21:04+00:00 To: Public
Nuovo Post » Profumo di incoerenza: http://t.co/MKAbqHBU il ministro, la metafora dell'iPhone e le lavagnette Microsoft | Buona lettura :)