RiveraValdez at
It seems more and more like an unavoidable issue. In my opinion 'freedom' has and will always have limits. Trivially, there's no sense in a concept of 'individual freedom' that goes against or doesn't take in account the general/social/community welfare. Concomitantly, humanity welfare requires the maximization of individual freedom, for numerous reasons, the most simple one, that humanity as a whole is compound of individual humans, so, there's no sense in a social welfare that depends on individual misery...
To avoid confusion: capitalism is the violation and destruction of all forms of social and general freedom, except for the freedom of a marginal social minority (capitalist class) to live and feed upon the exploitation and oppression of the immense social majority (working class).
So, only in a social regime where there's no exploitation neither oppression will social welfare and individual freedoms be a couple of the many aspects of the one and same thing.
Meanwhile, a free (as in freedom) software license that allows to weaponize such software seems not only as morally wrong, but also as logically absurd: weapons of invasion are by definition against people's freedom and communities welfare (we're not talking here about weapons for defense, like if we were under menace from some extraterrestrial force...). But, the use of free software by states and armies (both oppression apparatus) means also - maybe - more development of free software which could also be use by people around the world with all the benefits it has.
I'm under the impression that this issue has been discussed before, and that there is some license that prohibit military use of free software..., can't remember right now.
To avoid confusion: capitalism is the violation and destruction of all forms of social and general freedom, except for the freedom of a marginal social minority (capitalist class) to live and feed upon the exploitation and oppression of the immense social majority (working class).
So, only in a social regime where there's no exploitation neither oppression will social welfare and individual freedoms be a couple of the many aspects of the one and same thing.
Meanwhile, a free (as in freedom) software license that allows to weaponize such software seems not only as morally wrong, but also as logically absurd: weapons of invasion are by definition against people's freedom and communities welfare (we're not talking here about weapons for defense, like if we were under menace from some extraterrestrial force...). But, the use of free software by states and armies (both oppression apparatus) means also - maybe - more development of free software which could also be use by people around the world with all the benefits it has.
I'm under the impression that this issue has been discussed before, and that there is some license that prohibit military use of free software..., can't remember right now.
Clearly there's no sense in vindicate "free software and peoples' freedoms" when that means to kill and oppress people with weaponry (which today will be used by imperialist forces to invade and looting upon weaker nations)...
Don't know the answer, but seems to need further discussion, don't you think?
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