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Dice el FMI que todos los que ahora no están protestando porque la pandemia los tiene amordazados en cuanto pase van a salir a tirar abajo a los gobiernos. Catastrofistas...


During and immediately after a pandemic, the social scarring in the form of unrest may not show up quickly. Indeed, humanitarian crises likely impede the communication and transportation needed to organize major protests. Moreover, public opinion might favor cohesion and solidarity in times of duress. In some cases, incumbent regimes may also take advantage of an emergency to consolidate power and suppress dissent. The COVID-19 experience is consistent with this historical pattern, so far. In fact, the number of major unrest events worldwide has fallen to its lowest level in almost five years. Notable exceptions include the United States and Lebanon, but even in these cases, the largest protests are related to issues that could potentially be exacerbated, but not directly caused by COVID-19.

But looking beyond the immediate aftermath, the risk of social unrest spikes in the longer term. Using information on the types of unrest, the IMF staff study focuses on the form that unrest typically takes after an epidemic. This analysis shows that, over time, the risk of riots and anti-government demonstrations rises. Furthermore, the study finds evidence of heightened risk of a major government crisis—an event that threatens to bring down the government and that typically occurs in the two years following a severe epidemic.

#CatastrofismoBurgués #Marxistas #FMI

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Un estudio del FMI pronostica una oleada de conflictos sociales tras la pandemia 

Dice el informe del FMI sobre Las repercusiones sociales de las pandemiasque pone de manifiesto "las fracturas ya existentes en la sociedad: la falta de protección social, la desconfianza en las instituciones, la percepción de incompetencia o corrupción de los gobiernos" . Y del papel que juegan el FMI y demás organismos asociados del Capital (OMC, BM, etc.) en todo eso no comentan nada. Debe ser por un desastre natural inevitable, como que choque un meteorito contra la Tierra. ¬¬

EVAnaRkISTO at 2021-02-25T22:04:59Z

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